Connectionists: WAM-BAMM*06 Announcement

Michael L Edwards wambamm at
Wed Dec 21 17:12:53 EST 2005

                     The Second Annual
            World Association of Modelers (WAM)
       Biologically Accurate Modeling Meeting (BAMM)

                       Wam-bamm *06

                March 23rd - March 25th
                   San Antonio, Texas


The second annual meeting devoted to the promotion and extension of
biologically accurate modeling and simulation will be held in San Antonio
March 23rd - March 25th. Last year's meeting (
attracted more than 100 participants from  around the world and was rated by
users as 4.5 out of 5.0 (outstanding) with respect to venue, organization,
overall value.

This year's meeting will be better still.

The meeting's primary objective is to promote communication and
collaboration between users and others involved in realistic biological
modeling and to also provide an introduction to other scientists interested
realistic biological modeling.  This year's meeting will also feature two
pre-meetings, one on modeling within the olfactory system, and a second on
computational approaches to understanding data in molecular and cellular
biology (see website for details).

Subjects considered:  Modeling results, modeling as a base for understanding
biological data,  modeling inspired biological experimentation, world
community coordination, modeling techniques, simulator design.

All computational biologists are invited to present scientific as well as
technical work. The meeting encourages participation by modelers using
NEURON, any other simulation system, or writing your own code.  We also
encourage participation by experimental biologists interested in knowing
about biologically accurate modeling techniques.

Supplementary travel grants will be available for students presenting work
the meeting.


Unique in its structure, this meeting will combine introductory,
intermediate, and advanced tutorials in realistic modeling techniques with
a full agenda of scientific presentations.


Updated versions of most of the tutorials from WAM-BAMM*05 have been
published in article form (both in browseable HTML and downloadable PDF
format) in the November 2005 special issue on Realistic Neural Modeling in
the free electronic journal Brains, Minds, and Media.(

Currently Scheduled Tutorials:

Introduction to realistic neural modeling
David Beeman, University of Colorado Boulder

Large scale parallel network simulations using NEURON
Michael Hines, Yale University

How to make the best hand-tuned single-cell model you can
Dieter Jaeger, Emory University:

XML for Model Specification Workshop
Sharon Crook, Arizona State University, and Padriag Gleeson, University
College London

Biochemical kinetics modeling with Kinetikit and MOOSE.
Upinder S. Bhalla, NCBS, Bangalore

GENESIS simulations with hsolve
Hugo Cornelis, UTHSCA

We also encourage meeting participants to suggest tutorials.


Thursday and Friday will be devoted to oral and poster presentations by
meeting participants and invited speakers.

For additional meeting information please visit

Important Dates:

Deadline for proposed research presentations:  January 15, 2006
       Submission form is available on the WAM-BAMM web site:

Student registration deadline for travel grants:  February 1, 2006
       Travel grants for student presenters. (see web site).

Deadline for early registration:   February 1, 2006
        Advance registration $ 99 for graduate students, $ 149 for
        all others (30% increase after deadline)

Deadline for guaranteed housing at the conference rate: February 27, 2006.
       The meeting will be held at the historic Menger Hotel in Downtown San
       Antonio, next to the Alamo and the famous San Antonio River Walk.
       Room rates $109 (single or double), $ 119 (3-4).

Arrival date for the meeting:  March 22, 2006

Last event:

The (in)famous WAM-BAM Country Western Banquet: Saturday,  March 25, 2006

Depart from San Antonio:  Sunday, March 26, 2006

Registration is now open for WAM-BAMM*06 at<>

Travel funds will be available for students presenting papers.

The first annual meeting of the World Association of Modelers (WAM)
Biologically Accurate Modeling Meeting (BAMM), in association with the
second GENESIS Users Meeting GUM*05 will be held March 31st - April 2nd in
beautiful San Antonio, Texas.

For further information please visit or email us at
wam-bamm at

Jim Bower
Dave Beeman

                      James M. Bower Ph.D.

                     Research Imaging Center
   University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
                       7703 Floyd Curl Drive
                    San Antonio, TX  78284-6240

                 Cajal Neuroscience Center
               University of Texas San Antonio

                     Phone: 210 567 8080

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