Connectionists: Neural Networks 18(7) 2005

Cynthia Bradford cindy at
Wed Aug 17 12:18:04 EDT 2005


Contents - Volume 18, Number 7 - 2005



*****Psychology and Cognitive Science*****


Elman topology with sigma-pi units: An application to the modeling of verbal
hallucinations in schizophrenia

Juan C. Valle-Lisboa, Florencia Reali, Hector Anastasia, and Eduardo Mizraji


Linear recursive distributed representations 

Thomas Voegtlin and Peter F. Dominey 


*****Mathematical and Computational Analysis***** 


Generalized hamming networks and applications

Konstantinos Koutroumbas and Nicholas Kalouptsidis 


Simultaneous L-p approximation order for neural networks

Zong-Ben Xu and Fei-Long Cao 


Stochastic complexities of reduced rank regression in Bayesian estimation 

Miki Aoyagi and Sumio Watanabe 


*****Engineering and Design*****


Biological engineering applications of feedforward neural networks designed
and parameterized by genetic algorithms 

Konstantinos P. Ferentinos 


Sensitivity analysis applied to the construction of radial basis function

D. Shi, D.S. Yeung, and J. Gao 


A robust classifier combined with an auto-associative network for completing
partly occluded images 

Takashi Takahashi and Takio Kurita 


Data-partitioning using the Hilbert space filling curves: Effect on the
speed of convergence of Fuzzy ARTMAP for large database problems 

Jose Castro, Michael Georgiopoulos, Ronald Demara, and Avelino Gonzalez 


*****Technology and Applications*****

Wavelet neural network classification of EEG signals by using AR model with
MLE preprocessing 

Abdulhamit Subasi, Ahmet Alkan, Etem Koklukaya, and M. Lemal Kiymik 


Using ICA for removal of ocular artifacts in EEG recorded from blind subject

Arthur Flexer, Herbert Bauer, Jurgen Pripfl, and Georg Dorffner 





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