Connectionists: call for paper: MLMI'05 workshop
Samy Bengio
bengio at
Fri Apr 1 01:26:24 EST 2005
2nd Joint Workshop on Multimodal Interaction and
Related Machine Learning Algorithms
11-13 July 2005,
Royal College of Physicians,
Edinburgh, UK
The second MLMI workshop is coming to Edinburgh, UK, 11-13 July, 2005
follows from the first successful MLMI'04 held in Martigny, Switzerland,
June 2004 (
The topics covered by the MLMI'05 workshop are the following:
* human-human communication modeling
* speech and visual processing
* multi-modal processing, fusion and fission
* multi-modal dialog modeling
* human-human interaction modeling
* multi-modal data structuring and presentation
* multimedia indexing and retrieval
* meeting structure analysis
* meeting summarizing
* multimodal meeting annotation
* machine learning applied to the above
We particularly welcome all theoretical and applied machine learning
papers targeting large and complex datasets such as those involved in
multimodal interaction.
The workshop will be sponsored by several european and national projects,
including AMI, CHIL, HUMAINE, PASCAL, SIMILAR, IM2, etc. (more information on
the sponsors available on the website).
Key Dates:
Submission deadline
13 May 2005
Accept/reject decisions
13 June 2005
Plenary workshop takes place
11-12 July 2005
Specialist workshops take place
13 July 2005
Guidelines for submissions:
The submitted papers should follow the Springer LNCS format and be 12 pages
maximum per full paper. Extended abstracts of 2 pages maximum can also be
submitted to be considered as posters. The best papers will then be published
in an edited book, similar to MLMI'04, published as LNCS-3361:
* Steve Renals, University of Edinburgh
* Samy Bengio, IDIAP
Programme Committee (to be confirmed):
* Herve Bourlard, IDIAP
* Jean Carletta, University of Edinburgh
* Franciska de Jong, University of Twente [tbc]
* John Garofolo, NIST
* Lori Lamel, LIMSI
* Jan Larsen, Technical University of Denmark [tbc]
* Benoit Macq, UCL-TELE
* Johanna Moore, Universirty of Edinburgh
* Laurence Nigay, CLIPS-IMAG
* Barbara Peskin, ICSI
* Thierry Pun, University of Geneva
* Marc Schröder, DFKI
* Rainer Stiefelhagen, Universitaet Karlsruhe
Samy Bengio
Senior Researcher in Machine Learning.
IDIAP, CP 592, rue du Simplon 4, 1920 Martigny, Switzerland.
tel: +41 27 721 77 39, fax: +41 27 721 77 12.
mailto:bengio at,
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