Two essays on unsupervised learning theory.
Simone G.O. FIORI
fiori at
Thu Oct 7 05:56:25 EDT 2004
Dear Connectionists,
I take the liberty to announce the availability of two new
papers on unsupervised complex-valued neural networks
learning and on relative uncertainty learning theory.
Best regards,
Simone Fiori
"Non-linear Complex-Valued Extensions of Hebbian Learning: An
Essay" by S. Fiori, University of Perugia (Italy)
Accepted on Neural Computation
Abstract: The Hebbian paradigm is perhaps the most known
unsupervised learning theory in connectionism. It has inspired a
wide research activity in the artificial neural network field
because it embodies some interesting properties such as locality
and the capability of being applicable to the basic weight-and-sum
structure of neuron models. The plain Hebbian principle, however,
also presents some inherent theoretical limitations that make it
unpractical in most cases. Therefore, modifications of the basic
Hebbian learning paradigm have been proposed over the last twenty
years in order to design profitable signal/data processing
algorithms. Such modifications led to the principal-component-
analysis-type class of learning rules along with their non-linear
extensions. The aim of this essay is primarily to present part of
the existing fragmented material in the field of principal
component learning within a unified view and contextually to
motivate and present extensions of previous works on Hebbian
learning to complex-weighted linear neural networks. This work
benefits from previous studies on linear signal decomposition by
artificial neural networks, non-quadratic component optimization
and reconstruction error definition, neural parameters adaptation
by constrained optimization of complex-valued learning criteria
and orthonormality expression via the insertion of topological
elements in the networks or by modifying the network learning
criterion. In particular, the considered learning principles and
their analysis concern complex-valued principal/minor
component/subspace linear/non-linear rules for complex-weighted
neural structures, both feedforward and laterally-connected.
Draft (68 pages) available at:
"Relative Uncertainty Learning Theory: An Essay"
by S. Fiori, University of Perugia (Italy)
Accepted on International Journal of Neural Systems
Abstract: The aim of this manuscript is to present a detailed
analysis of the algebraic and geometric properties of relative
uncertainty theory (RUT) applied to neural networks learning.
Through the algebraic analysis of the original learning criterion,
it is shown that RUT gives rise to principal-subspace-analysis-
type learning equations. Through an algebraic-geometric analysis,
the behavior of such matrix-type learning equations is illustrated,
with particular emphasis to the existence of certain invariant
Draft (33 pages) available at:
| Dr Simone FIORI (Elec. Eng., Ph.D.) |
| * Faculty of Engineering - Perugia University * |
| * Polo Didattico e Scientifico del Ternano * |
| Via Pentima bassa, 21 - 05100 TERNI (Italy) |
| Tel. 0744 492937 - Fax: +39 0744 492925 |
| eMail: fiori at - Web: |
| "Quelli che s'innamoran di pratica sanza scienza, son |
| come il nocchiere, ch'entra in navilio sanza timone o |
| bussola, che mai ha certezza dove si vada." |
| (Leonardo da Vinci) |
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