SAB2004: call for abstracts and early registration deadlines (May 28 and 31)
Auke Jan Ijspeert
auke.ijspeert at
Tue May 25 08:09:13 EDT 2004
Dear Connectionists,
Researchers in adaptive behavior, neural computation, and artificial
neural networks applied to robotics might be interested in the next
SAB2004, From Animals to Animats 8 conference that will take place in
Santa Monica July 13-17 2004. See the call for participation and the
call for abstracts below.
Best regards,
Auke Ijspeert
----- SAB2004 Call for participation, Call for Abstracts -----
SAB2004, From Animals to Animats 8, The Eighth International Conference
on the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior
Santa Monica (Los Angeles), July 13-17 2004
----- Call for participation -----
We are glad to announce that the registration for SAB2004 is now open,
and that the preliminary technical program is available. The deadline
for early registration is 28 May 2004.
See for details.
----- Call for abstracts -----
SAB2004 introduces a new feature: the Last-Minute-Results poster session.
This special session will offer researchers in Adaptive Behavior the
opportunity to present their most recent results at SAB2004
( The goal of this session is to provide an
informal setting in which participants can reveal and discuss their
latest results and developments at the time of the conference (13-17
July 2004).
Researchers are invited to submit a two-page abstract describing recent
results/developments. Abstracts should be sent electronically as a PDF
file to the conference general email address, sab2004 at, with
"Last Minute Results" in the email Subject line.
The call for abstracts is open to all (i.e. to people both with and
without an accepted paper at the conference). There is a limit of one
abstract/poster per participant as a first author. After review by the
conference chairs, authors of accepted abstracts will be allowed to
present their results as a poster in a special Last-Minute-Results
session. Note that the abstracts will not be considered as publications
and will not be included in the conference proceedings.
May 31 2004: Abstract submission deadline
June 7 2004: Notification of acceptance
July 13-17 2004: SAB'04 conference
Contributions treating any of the following topics from the perspective
of adaptive behavior will receive special emphasis:
The Animat approach
Characterization of agents and environments
Passive and active perception
Motor control
Visually-guided behaviors
Action selection
Behavioral sequencing
Navigation and mapping
Internal models and representation
Learning and development
Motivation and emotion
Collective and social behavior
Emergent structures and behaviors
Neural correlates of behavior
Evolutionary and co-evolutionary approaches
Autonomous robotics
Humanoid robotics
Software agents and virtual creatures
Applied adaptive behavior
Animats in education
Philosophical and psychological issues
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