Postdoctoral Research Fellowships - Aston University

D SAAD saadd at
Tue Mar 23 11:55:29 EST 2004

              Aston University

              School of Engineering & Applied Science

                Neural Computing Research Group

            Research Fellow (2 Posts)

              Ref No. R04/68/98

We are looking for highly motivated individuals for two postdoctoral 
research positions in the general areas of coding and computational 
complexity. The emphasis of this research will be on applying 
theoretical and numerical methods from statistical physics to study 
various properties of multi-user communication systems, distributed 
computing/communication and related hard computational problems. This 
research activity is part of a European FP-6 consortium (EVERGROW).

Applicants should have excellent mathematical and computational skills, 
and one or more of the following: a background in statistical physics, 
information theory and computational complexity. The positions will be 
offered for 12 months in the first instance with a possible extension 
beyond this period.

Further details on the research project can be found on

Informal enquiries should be directed to David Saad : D.Saad at 
<mailto:D.Saad at>

Further Particulars and  Application forms are available on

or from Personnel Services, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham 
B4 7ET, UK by telephoning: 0121 359 0870 (24 hour answerphone), or by 
email: b.a.power at <mailto:b.a.power at>, quoting the 
reference number.

Closing date for applications:    9 April 2004



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