Lewis/Bridging emotion theory and neurobiology: BBS Call for Commentators
"Jeffrey Gray"@ammon.boltz.cs.cmu.edu
"Jeffrey Gray" at ammon.boltz.cs.cmu.edu
Fri Mar 5 13:36:34 EST 2004
Below please find the abstract, keywords, and a link to the full text
of the forthcoming BBS target article:
Bridging emotion theory and neurobiology
through dynamic system modeling
Marc D. Lewis
This article has been accepted for publication in Behavioral and
Brain Sciences (BBS), an international, interdisciplinary journal
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Bridging emotion theory and neurobiology through dynamic
system modeling
Marc D. Lewis, University of Toronto
Abstract: Emotion theorists and neurobiologists have much to share
but they lack a common language for doing so. Emotion theorists rely
on causal assumptions that are simple, linear, and cognitivist in
character, and they emphasize psychological wholes that cannot be
explained by the interaction of their constituents. Conversely,
neurobiologists focus on the interaction of multiple components,
invoking complex, bidirectional causal processes, but they rarely
extend their analysis to psychologically meaningful wholes. Dynamic
systems principles can provide a bridge between the psychology and
neurobiology of emotion: (1) by explaining psychological as well as
neural processes in terms of bidirectional causation and emergent
part-whole relations, and (2) by grounding a model of self-organizing
emotional states in explicit correspondences between psychological
and neural events.
I first argue that the application of dynamic systems ideas to
emotion theory permits a reconceptualization of emotion-appraisal
states as self-organizing wholes. These are proposed to emerge from
bidirectional causal interactions among perceptual, cognitive, and
emotional constituents, and to maintain those interactions through
vertical ("circular") causality. I then present a psychological model
based on this reconceptualization, identifying trigger,
self-amplification, and self-stabilization phases of
emotion-appraisal states, leading to consolidating traits. The
article goes on to describe neural structures and functions involved
in appraisal and emotion as well as mechanisms of integration by
which they interact. Based on dynamic systems concepts, these
mechanisms are identified as nested feedback interactions, global
effects of neuromodulation, vertical integration, action-monitoring,
and synaptic plasticity, and they are modeled in terms of both
functional integration and temporal synchronization. I end by
elaborating the psychological model of emotion-appraisal states with
reference to these neural mechanisms.
KEYWORDS: appraisal, bidirectional causality, cognition, dynamic
systems, emotion, neurobiology, part-whole relations,
FULL TEXT: http://www.bbsonline.org/Preprints/Lewis-01212003/Referees/
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Jeffrey Gray - Editor
Behavioral and Brain Sciences
bbs at bbsonline.org
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