Book: Kernel Methods for Pattern Analyis
Nello Cristianini
nello at
Wed Jun 16 19:22:27 EDT 2004
New book, available now:
Kernel Methods for Pattern Analysis
John Shawe-Taylor & Nello Cristianini
Cambridge University Press, 2004
ISBN: 0521813972
Kernel methods provide an approach to pattern analysis that has developed
over the last 12 years since the introduction of Support Vector Machines.
This new book has two main aims: to provide an introduction to this
approach and act as a cook-book for practitioners. The three parts,
Concepts, Algorithms and Kernels, contain dozens of algorithms and
kernels, pseudocode and detailed derivations, while Matlab code is freely
available from the book website. The book provides a comprehensive account
of the field of Kernel Methods for Pattern Analysis, summarizing more than
a decade of expansion of these exciting and successful techniques.
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