Advances in Computational Motor Control

Reza Shadmehr shadmehr at
Thu Jul 29 08:08:25 EDT 2004

Advances in Computational Motor Control (ACMC) Symposium

Where: Society for Neuroscience Conference, San Diego CA
When:  Friday, Oct. 22, 1-9 PM, 2004
Abstract submission deadline: September 1, 2004
More information:

The goal of this annual symposium is to look beyond empirical observations
of motor function and focus on the deeper principles underlying those
observations.  The program will include invited and contributed talks.  We
invite extended abstract submissions.  Each abstract will be reviewed and
ranked by three referees, and the top abstracts will be selected for
presentation.  Any work that has a substantial theoretical component and is
relevant to motor control will be considered.  While formal ideas expressed
as computational models are preferred, intuitive ideas that await
formalization are also welcome.  We encourage presentations by the
researchers who were most directly involved in the work being submitted.

Invited speakers:  John Donoghue and Mitsuo Kawato

Organizers: Emo Todorov and Reza Shadmehr

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