Final Call for Papers: Workshop on Coding of Visual Information in the Brain
Norbert Kruger
nk at
Fri Jan 16 12:34:34 EST 2004
Workshop on Coding of Visual Information in the Brain
June 1, 2004, Isle of Skye, Scotland
Satellite event of the
Early Cognitive Vision Workshop (28.5.-1.6.2004)
Call for Contributions
How is visual Information coded in the human
brain? How are statistical properties of natural
images related to the internal representations/coding?
What is the prior knowledge the human visual system is
equipped with? In what sense does the actual task
influence the internal state? What is the goal of the
early visual processes and how can we achieve
integration? What is the functional role of the
temporal structure of neural firing patterns?
These questions are relevant for research concerning
the modelling of biological visual systems as well as
building artificial systems. The workshop 'Coding of Visual
Information in the Brain' has the aim to bring together
scientists involved in neurophysiology, psychology and
computer vision to discuss these issues under a
multi-disciplinary perspective.
As well as the contributed talks and posters, a number
of leading scientists with strong interest in bridging
the gap between human and artificial vision will be
giving invited talks. The workshop will follow the tradition
of the 'Information Theory and the Brain' workshops held in
Stirling 1995 and in Newquay 1997. However, in contrast to
its predecessors it is more focussed on vision. The workshop
will be organised as a satellite event of the Early Cognitive
Vision Workshop that will be held from May 28 to June 1 2004
Please submit a one-page abstract, preferably by email to
Peter Hancock (pjbh1 at or Norbert Krueger
(nk at by 23.1.2004.
Organising Committee
Peter Hancock (Stirling, Scotland)
Norbert Krueger (Esbjerg, Denmark)
Florentin Woergoetter (Stirling, Scotland)
Roland Baddeley (Sussex, England)
Laurenz Wiskott (Berlin, Germany)
James Elder (York, Canada)
Invited Speakers
James Elder (York, Canada)
Christoph von der Malsburg (Bochum, Germany)
Guy Orban (Leuven, Belgium)
Roger Watt (Stirling, Scotland)
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