Spring Meeting on Realistic Modeling in Biology
james Bower
bower at uthscsa.edu
Tue Dec 7 15:09:30 EST 2004
Registration is now open for WAM-BAMM*05
at http://www.WAM-BAMM.org
Travel grants are available for students presenting papers through
support provided by the National Institutes of Health and Mental
The first annual meeting of the World Association of Modelers (WAM)
Biologically Accurate Modeling Meeting (BAMM), in association with the
second GENESIS Users Meeting GUM*05 will be held March 31st - April
2nd in beautiful San Antonio, Texas.
The meeting will promote communication and collaboration between users
and others involved in realistic biological modeling and is also
designed to provide an introduction to other interested
scientists. All computational biologists, not only those using
GENESIS, or doing neural modeling, are invited to present scientific
as well as technical work.
Subjects considered: Modeling techniques, simulator design, modeling
results, modeling inspired biological experimentation, and world
modeling community coordination.
The meeting will combine introductory, intermediate, and advanced
tutorials in realistic modeling techniques as well as a full agenda of
scientific presentations.
David Beeman, University of Colorado Boulder: "Introduction to
Realistic Neural Modeling"
Michael Hines, Yale University: The NEURON simulator - Recent Developments
Dieter Jaeger, Emory University: From experiment to simulation - a
modeling case study using the deep cerebellar nucleus neuron.
Jeremy Edgerton, Emory University: Controlling complex synaptic input
patterns to single cell models without a network simulation.
Avrama Blackwell, George Mason University: Modeling Calcium and
Biochemical Reactions.
Michael Vanier, Caltech: Constructing large networks in GENESIS.
Michael Vanier, Caltech: Parameter Searching tools in GENESIS
Greg Hood, CMU: Parallel (P-) GENESIS its use and applications.
Sharon Crook, Arizona State University: XML for model specification
Padraig Gleeson, University College London: Building 3D network
models with neuroConstruct.
Presented and Invited Talks:
Friday and Saturday will be devoted to oral and poster presentations
by meeting participants and invited speakers.
For additional meeting information please visit http://www.wam-bamm.org.
Important Dates:
Deadline for proposed research presentations: January 15, 2005
Submission form is available on the WAM-BAMM web site:
Student registration deadline for travel grants: February 1, 2005
Funding is available for student travel grants. (see web site).
Deadline for early registration: February 1, 2005
Advanced registration $ 99 for graduate students, $ 149 for
all others (30% increase after deadline)
Deadline for guaranteed housing at the conference rate: March 1, 2005
The meeting will be held at the historic Menger Hotel in Downtown San
Antonio, next to the Alamo and the famous San Antonio River Walk.
Room rates $109 (single or double), $ 119 (3-4).
Arrival date for the meeting: March 30th, 2005
The famous WAM-BAM Banquet, Rodeo, and Blue Bonnet Festival:
Saturday, April 2, 2005
Depart from San Antonio: April 3, 2005
More information on WAM-BAM can be found at www.wam-bamm.org, or by
contacting us at wam-bamm at wam-bamm.org.
James M. Bower
David Beeman
James M. Bower Ph.D.
Research Imaging Center
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
7703 Floyd Curl Drive
San Antonio, TX 78284-6240
Cajal Neuroscience Center
University of Texas San Antonio
Phone: 210 567 8080
Fax: 210 567 8152
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