Research Studentship

Valery Tereshko tere-ic0 at
Wed Apr 21 23:08:53 EDT 2004

Research (PhD) studentship to work on Emergent Collective Behaviour in
Ensembles of Communicating Agents is available in School of Computing of
the University of Paisley. The approach is based on consideration of an
agent ensemble as dynamical system and studying the latter with the
methods of nonlinear dynamics and statistical physics. Knowledge of
basic nonlinear dynamics and good computational skill are essential.
Experience in and knowledge of statistical physics, chaos theory, neural
and biologically-inspired computations, and swarm intelligence are

Studentship is open to UK/EU individuals. Closing date for applications
is 3 May 2004. Further particulars are available at

Valery Tereshko
e-mail: valery.tereshko at

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