Neural Networks 17(4)

Cynthia Bradford cindy at
Fri Apr 9 10:51:55 EDT 2004

Contents - Volume 17, Number 4 - 2004

***** Neuroscience and Neuropsychology ***** 

How laminar frontal cortex and basal ganglia circuits interact to control
planned and reactive saccades
Joshua W. Brown, Daniel Bullock, and Stephen Grossberg  

ARTSTREAM: A neural network model of auditory scene analysis and source
Stephen Grossberg, Krishna Govindarajan, Lonce L. Wyse, and Michael A. Cohen

***** Mathematical and Computational Analysis ***** 

Some sufficient conditions for global exponential stability of delayed
Hopfield neural networks 
Hongtao Lu, Fu-Lai Chung, and Zhenya He 

Bifurcation analysis on a two-neuron system with distributed delays in the
frequency domain
Xiaofeng Liao, Shaowen Li, and Guanrong Chen 

The MDF discrimination measure: Fisher in disguise
Marco Loog, Robert P.W. Duin, and Max A. Viergever 

GenSo-EWS: A novel neural-fuzzy based early warning system for predicting
bank failures
W.L. Tung, C. Quek, and P. Cheng 

***** Engineering and Design ***** 

New training strategies for constructive neural networks with application to
regression problems 
L. Ma and K. Khorasani 


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