Call for Papers: Control & Intelligent Systems Journal Special Issue on "Non-linear Adaptive PID Control"
Dr. Amir Hussain
a.hussain at
Tue Sep 16 08:23:37 EDT 2003
Dear all,
Please forward this CFP announcement to people you think might be
interested. Thank you..
Call for Papers
Special Issue on
International Journal of Control and Intelligent Systems (CIS),
IASTED / ACTA Press, Vol. 33, 2005
CIS Journal Special Issue Website:
It is well known that three-term proportional-integral-derivative (PID)
controllers are quite versatile and widely used, particularly in process
control industries. This domination is mainly due both to the robustness of
these controllers in a wide range of processes and the simplicity of their
structure. They are easy to implement using both digital or analog hardware,
easily understood by technical personnel, and, are remarkably effective in
regulating a wide range of applications when properly tuned.
For most simple processes, PID control can achieve satisfactory closed loop
performance. However, many industrial processes possess complex properties such
as nonlinear and time varying characteristics. In this context, conventional
PID controllers with fixed parameters have a major drawback in that they need
to be re-tuned in order to adapt to variations in plant dynamics and
environments, leading to poor control performance. For the control of
real-world processes, an alternative is to use adaptive control schemes, which
can automatically adjust PID parameters on-line. However, before such adaptive
controllers can be implemented, mathematical modeling of the plant has to be
done, which is usually based on the assumption that the process to be
controlled is linear. Since most real-world plants are nonlinear, the responses
of these plants cannot be shaped for a desired performance using linear
controllers. Inaccuracies in the modeling of real-world plants result in
degraded performances of linear adaptive controllers. Hence, it can be
concluded that the applications of conventional linear adaptive controllers are
limited and not ideally suited for nonlinear and complex real-world processes.
Consequently, it may be argued that nonlinear adaptive controllers are required
to effectively control such plants, and it is necessary to incorporate the
inherent nonlinearity of the process into the controller design. One of the
main difficulties in designing nonlinear controllers, however, is the lack of a
general structure for them.
In recent years, computational-intelligence techniques such as artificial
neural networks, fuzzy logic, genetic algorithms, combined neuro-fuzzy
approaches, and other nonlinear and biologically inspired techniques have
become valuable tools to describe and control nonlinear plants. More recently
however, there has been a growing interest among academic and industrial
researchers in new types of controllers, which can combine the approximation
power of such nonlinear adaptive techniques with the simplicity of PID control
This special issue of the International Journal, Control & Intelligent Systems,
is an attempt to bring together active researchers in this emerging field of
nonlinear adaptive PID control.
The application domain includes (but is not limited to):
- Neuro-PID Control
- Fuzzy-PID Control
- Neuro-fuzzy
- PID Control
- General nonlinear techniques including, nonlinear predictive- and minimum
variance-based PID Control.
- Design, development, stability, and robustness issues of these techniques
- Practical applications
Any topic relevant to Nonlinear Adaptive PID Control will be considered.
Instructions for Manuscripts:
All manuscripts should be e-mailed to the Guest Editor of the Special Issue at
a.hussain at by Dec 15, 2003. On the e-mail subject line please
indicate "Submission for CIS Special Issue Nonlinear Adaptive PID Control."
The submission should include the name(s) of the author(s), their affiliation,
addresses, fax numbers, and e-mail addresses. Manuscripts should strictly
follow the guidelines of ACT A Press, given at the following website:
Important Dates
Deadline for paper submission: December 15,2003
Notification of acceptance: April 30 , 2004
Final manuscripts due: July 15 , 2004
Publication in Special Issue: Early 2005
Guest Editor:
Dr. Amir Hussain
Department of Computing Science & Mathematics
University of Stirling
Stirling FK9 4LA Scotland, UK
E-mail: a.hussain at
Tel/Fax: (++44) 01786-467437/464551
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