Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity Workshop

Wulfram Gerstner Wulfram.Gerstner at epfl.ch
Wed Oct 22 03:43:52 EDT 2003

I would like to announce 
The Monte Verita Workshop on Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP) 

      Ascona, Switzerland, February 29-March5 , 2004

The symposium will bring together experimentalists and
theoreticians working on Hebbian Learning, in particular
Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP)

There will be a single track of talks. Most talks are by invitation,
but a few extra time slots for contributed talks are available. 
There is also the possibility to present a poster.
Registration is possible before January 15, 2004,
but early registration is encouraged since the total
number of participants is limited.

Invited speakers
A. Experiments 
     G.Q Bi, Pittsburgh 
     Dean Buonomano, UCLA 
     Yang Dan, Berkeley 
     Dominique Debanne, Marseille 
     Nace Golding, Texas 
     Mark Hubener, MPI of Neurobiology, Munich 
     Mayank Mehta, MIT 
     Henry Markram, EPFL, Lausanne 
     M.-M. Poo, Berkeley 
     Miguel Remondes, Caltech 
     Jesper Sjoestroem, Brandeis and London 

B. Theory 
     Henry D.I. Abarbanel, UCSD 
     Larry Abbott, Brandeis 
     S. Fusi, Bern 
     W. Gerstner, Lausanne 
     R. Guetig, Berlin 
     Leo van Hemmen, TU Munich . 
     R. Rao, Univ. of Washington 
     P.D. Roberts, Oregon 
     S. Seung, MIT 
     Harel Shouval, Brown University 
     Haim Sompolinsky, Jerusalem 
     Walter Senn, Bern 
     Misha Tsodyks, Jerusalem 

for further information, see 

organization committee:
W. Gerstner, H. Markram, and W. Senn

best regards

Wulfram Gerstner   		Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
Professor 	        	Laboratory of Computational Neuroscience, LCN
wulfram.gerstner at epfl.ch 	Batiment AA-B	
Tel. +41-21-693 6713        	1015 Lausanne EPFL
Fax. +41-21-693 9600       	http://diwww.epfl.ch/mantra

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