CFP: Compositionality, Concepts and Cognition

Markus Werning werning at
Mon Oct 13 07:32:52 EDT 2003

Please distribute - apologies for multiple posting

Compositionality, Concepts and Cognition
An Interdisciplinary Conference in Cognitive Science
Düsseldorf, Germany
February 28 to March 3, 2004


The conference on compositionality is to take place at Heinrich Heine
University Düsseldorf, Germany, from February 28 to March 3, 2004.

Compositionality is a key feature of structured representational
systems, be they linguistic, mental or neuronal. A system of
representations is called compositional just in case the semantic values
of complex representations are determined by the semantic values of
their parts.

The conference brings together internationally renowned scholars from
various disciplines of the cognitive sciences, including philosophers,
psychologists, linguists, computer scientists and neuro scientists. The
speakers will address the issue of compositionality from very different
perspectives. It is the aim of the conference to further the exchange of
views on compositionality across the disciplines and to explore the
implications and condition of compositionality as a property of
representational systems in the study of language, mind and brain.


The list of plenary speakers includes Johannes Brandl, Henry Brighton,
Daniel Cohnitz, Andreas K. Engel, Lila Gleitman, Terry Horgan, Theo
Janssen, Hannes Leitgeb, Sebastian Löbner, Edouard Machery, Alexander
Maye, Brian McLaughlin, C. Ulises Moulines, Jeff Pelletier, Martina
Penke, Jesse Prinz, Gabriel Sandu, Richard Schantz, Oliver Scholz,
Ricarda Schubotz, Gerhard Schurz, Markus Werning, Gert Westermann,
Edward Wisniewski, and Dieter Wunderlich.


The conference is the result of a co-operation between the Institut Jean
Nicod, the University Paris-Sorbonne, the Ecole Normale Superieure in
France and Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf in Germany.

Its is organized by

- Markus Werning, Department of Philosophy, Heinrich Heine University
and Center for Language, Logic, and Information, Düsseldorf;
- Edouard Machery, Department of Philosophy, Sorbonne, Paris, and
Max-Planck-Institute for Human Development, Berlin;
- Gerhard Schurz, Department of Philosophy, Heinrich Heine University,


- Daniel Andler, Department of Philosophiy, Sorbonne, Paris, and
Department of Cognitive Studies, ENS-Ulm, Paris;
- Peter Carruthers, Department of Philosophy, University of Maryland;
- James Hampton, Department of Psychology, City University London;
- Douglas Medin, Department of Psychology, Northwestern University,
- Jesse Prinz, Department of Philosophy, University of North Carolina,
- Francois Recanati, Institut Jean-Nicod, Centre National de la
Recherche Scientifique, Paris;
- Philippe Schlenker, Department of Linguistics, University of
California, Los Angeles, and Institut Jean-Nicod, Centre National de la
Recherche Scientifique, Paris;
- Dag Westerstahl, Department of Philosophy, University of Gotenborg.


The programme committee invites researchers in the cognitive sciences
(philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, computer science, linguistics,
etc.) to present their work on compositionality at the conference. The
deadline for paper submission is December 10, 2003. 

Only a limited number of oral and poster presentations can be accepted.
Papers should fit into the overall programme of the conference and
should be accessible to an interdisciplinary audience. Oral
presentations are 20 minutes plus 10 minutes discussion.

To submit a paper, please send in an extended abstract of about 1500
words using the online submission form on the conference homepage:

In exceptional cases, hardcopy submission is also possible at:

c/o Markus Werning
Chair of Theoretical Philosophy
Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf
Universitätsstr. 1
D-40225 Düsseldorf, Germany

All submitted abstracts will be reviewed. The corresponding author will
be notified about acceptance by January 15, 2004. Submissions must be
received by December 10, 2003. The presenting author(s) must register
for the conference after notification of acceptance.


The conference is sponsored by the Fritz Thyssen Foundation.


Please address any questions to cococo2004 at

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