[2nd CFP] From Animals to Animats 8, SAB'04, 13-17 July 2004, Los Angeles.

Auke Ijspeert auke.ijspeert at epfl.ch
Tue Nov 11 13:56:29 EST 2003

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The Eighth International Conference on the


An International Conference organized by
The International Society for Adaptive Behavior (ISAB)

13-17 July 2004, Los Angeles, USA

The objective of this interdisciplinary conference is to bring together
researchers in computer science, artificial intelligence, alife,
control, robotics, neurosciences, ethology, and related fields so as to
further our understanding of the behaviors and underlying mechanisms
that allow natural and artificial animals to adapt and survive in
uncertain environments. The conference will focus on experiments with
well-defined models --- robot models, computer simulation models,
mathematical models --- designed to help characterize and compare
various organizational principles or architectures underlying adaptive
behavior in real animals and in synthetic agents, the animats.

Contributions treating any of the following topics from the perspective
of adaptive behavior will receive special emphasis:

               The Animat approach
               Characterization of agents and environments
               Passive and active perception
               Motor control
               Visually-guided behaviors
               Action selection
               Behavioral sequencing
               Navigation and mapping
               Internal models and representation
               Learning and development
               Motivation and emotion
               Collective and social behavior
               Emergent structures and behaviors
               Neural correlates of behavior
               Evolutionary and co-evolutionary approaches
               Autonomous robotics
               Humanoid robotics
               Software agents and virtual creatures
               Applied adaptive behavior
               Animats in education
               Philosophical and psychological issues

Authors should make every effort to suggest implications of their work
for both natural and artificial animals, and to distinguish the portions
of their work which use simulation from those using a physical agent.

Papers that do not deal explicitly with adaptive behavior will be

Conference format

Following the tradition of SAB conferences, the conference will be
single track, with additional poster sessions. Each poster session will
start with poster spotlights giving presenters the opportunity to orally
present their main results.

Submission Instructions

Submission instructions can be found on the conference Web site.
Submitted papers must not exceed 10 pages (double columns). Because the
whole review process heavily relies on electronic means, the organizers
strongly enforce electronic submissions of PDF documents. Authors who
are in the impossibility to deliver a PDF document should contact the
program chairs (sab2004-program at isab.org) for discussing alternative
ways of submitting.

Computer, video, and robotic demonstrations are also invited for
submission. Submit a 2-page proposal plus a title page to the program
chairs. Indicate equipment requirements and relevance to the themes of
the conference.

Call for workshop and tutorial proposals

A separate call for workshop and tutorial proposals can be found on the
conference web site at http://www.isab.org/sab04. The accepted workshops
and tutorials will take place on the last day of the conference, July
17. Inquiries can be made to sab2004-workshops at isab.org


            JAN 09:	 Submissions must be received
            JUL 13-16:	 Conference dates
            JUL 17:	 Workshops and tutorials

Program chairs:

Stefan Schaal, University of Southern California (USC)
Auke Ijspeert, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne & USC
Aude Billard, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne & USC
Sethu Vijayakumar, University of Edinburgh & USC

General Chairs:

John Hallam, Universities of Odense and Edinburgh
Jean-Arcady Meyer, Laboratoire d'Informatique de Paris 6


The MIT Press, Cambridge.

Program queries to: 		sab2004-program at isab.org
Workshops queries to: 		sab2004-workshops at isab.org
General queries to:		sab2004 at isab.org
WWW Page:			http://www.isab.org/sab04

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