postdoctoral position in theoretical neuroscience

Nestor Parga Carballeda nestor at
Wed Mar 26 13:59:39 EST 2003

Postdoctoral position available in Theoretical Neuroscience
in the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (UAM, Spain)
for nationals from Latin-american countries.

The Carolina Foundation (Spain) is receiving applications for
postdoctoral fellowships in Neuroscience.  Their webpage is:
and details about how to apply to the Neuroscience Program
can be found in:

Candidates should first select a research group in a Spanish
University or Institute.  The "Computational Neuroscience Group",
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, offers the possibility to work on
several aspects of theoretical neuroscience.
Eligible candidates with a Ph. D. in neuroscience or a related
scientific discipline (e.g. physics, maths or computer science) and
with good background and interest in theoretical neurobiology are
encouraged to send their curriculum vitae and a brief description of
fields of interest to the address below, if possible by e-mail
(parga at
For more information about the "Computational Neuroscience Group",
UAM, please see:

|  Nestor Parga                    |                                |
|                                  | Phone :  (+34) 91-397-4542     | 
|  Dpto. de Fisica Teorica, C-XI   | Fax   :  (+34) 91-397-3936     |
|  Universidad Autonoma de Madrid  | E-mail:   nestor at|
|  28049 Madrid, SPAIN             |           parga at|  
|                                                                   |
|                |

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