Neural Networks 16(5/6): Special Issue on "Advances in Neural Networks Research: IJCNN'03"

Cynthia Bradford cindy at
Wed Jun 11 11:20:54 EDT 2003

Contents - Volume 16, Numbers 5 and 6 - 2003
2003 Special Issue:
"Advances in Neural Networks Research: IJCNN'03"
Donald C. Wunsch II, Mike Hasselmo, DeLiang Wang, and Ganesh 
Kumar Venayagamoorthy, co-editors  


Welcome to the Special Issue: The Best of the Best
Donald C. Wunsch II, Mike Hasselmo, DeLiang Wang, and 
Ganesh Kumar Venayagamoorthy


Adaptive force generation for precision-grip lifting by a spectral 
timing model of the cerebellum
Antonio Ulloa, Daniel Bullock, and Brad Rhodes 

Radial basis function neural networks for nonlinear Fisher 
discrimination and Neyman-Pearson classification
David Casasent and Xue-wen Chen 

Intrinsic generalization analysis of low dimensional representations
Xiuwen Liu, Anuj Srivastava, and DeLiang Wang 

Application of four-layer neural network on information extraction 
Min Han, Lei Cheng, and Hua Meng 

Subject independent facial expression recognition with robust face
detection using a convolutional neural network
Masakazu Matsugu, Katsuhiko Mori, Yusuke Mitari, and Yuji Kaneda 

A generalized feedforward neural network architecture for classification
and regression
Ganesh Arulampalam and Abdesselam Bouzerdoum 


Hierarchical cognitive maps
Horatiu Voicu 

Modeling goal-directed spatial navigation in the rat based on 
physiological data from the hippocampal formation 
Randal A. Koene, Anatoli Gorchetchnikov, Robert C. Cannon, and
Michael E. Hasselmo 

An efficient training algorithm for dynamic synapse neural networks
using trust region methods 
Hassan H. Namarvar and Theodore W. Berger 

Temporal binding as an inducer for connectionist recruitment learning 
over delayed lines 
Cengiz Gunay and Anthony S. Maida 

Developments in understanding neuronal spike trains and functional 
specializations in brain regions
Roberto A. Santiago, James McNames, Kim Burchiel, and George G. Lendaris

Shaping up simple cell's receptive field of animal visual by ICA and
its application in navigation system
Liming Zhang and Jianfeng Mei 

eLoom and Flatland: Specification, simulation and visualization engines 
for the study of arbitrary hierarchical neural architectures
Thomas P. Caudell, Yunhai Xiao, and Michael J. Healy 

Associative morphological memories based on variations of the kernel 
and dual kernel methods
Peter Sussner 


Adaptive double self-organizing maps for clustering gene expression 
H. Ressom, D. Wang, and P. Natarajan 

An accelerated procedure for recursive feature ranking on microarray data
C. Furlanello, M. Serafini, S. Merler, and G. Jurman 


Pattern completion through phase coding in population neurodynamics 
A. Gutierrez-Galvez and R. Gutierrez-Osuna 

Passive dendritic integration heavily affects spiking dynamics of 
recurrent networks
Giorgio A. Ascoli 

Abductive reasoning with recurrent neural networks
Ashraf M. Abdelbar, Emad A.M. Andrews, and Donald C. Wunsch II 

Neural networks with chaotic recursive nodes: Techniques for the 
design of associative memories, contrast with Hopfield architectures, 
and extensions for time-dependent inputs
Emilio Del Moral Hernandez 

Simple and conditioned adaptive behavior from Kalman filter trained 
recurrent networks
Lee A. Feldkamp, Daniel V. Prokhorov, and Timothy M. Feldkamp 


Learning robot actions based on self-organizing language memory
Stefan Wermter and Mark Elshaw 

Autonomous mental development in high dimensional context and 
action spaces
Ameet Joshi and Juyang Weng 

Chaos control and synchronization, with input saturation, via 
recurrent neural networks
Edgar N. Sanchez and Luis J. Ricalde 

Proper orthogonal decomposition based optimal neurocontrol synthesis
of a chemical reactor process using approximate dynamic programming 
Radhakant Padhi and S.N. Balakrishnan 

Numerical solution of elliptic partial differential equation using 
radial basis function neural networks
Li Jianyu, Luo Siwei, Qi Yingjian, and Huang Yaping 


Statistical efficiency of adaptive algorithms 
Bernard Widrow and Max Kamenetsky 

On structure-exploiting trust-region regularized nonlinear least 
squares algorithms for neural-network learning 
Eiji Mizutani and James W. Demmel 

Stochastic resonance in noisy threshold neurons
Bart Kosko and Sanya Mitaim 

Quantum optimization for training support vector machines 
Davide Anguita, Sandro Ridella, Fabio Rivieccio, and Rodolfo Zunino 

On the quality of ART1 text clustering 
Louis Massey 

Extension neural network and its applications
M.H. Wang and C.P. Hung

Fuzzy least squares support vector machines for multiclass problems
Daisuke Tsujinishi and Shigeo Abe 

Evolving efficient learning algorithms for binary mappings 
John A. Bullinaria 

A network for recursive extraction of canonical coordinates
Ali Pezeshki, Mahmood R. Azimi-Sadjadi, and Louis L. Scharf 

Automatic basis selection techniques for RBF networks
Ali Ghodsi and Dale Schuurmans 

Data smoothing regularization, multi-sets-learning, and problem 
solving strategies
Lei Xu 

Million city traveling salesman problem solution by divide and 
conquer clustering with adaptive resonance neural networks
Samuel A. Mulder and Donald C. Wunsch II 


A practical sub-space adaptive filter 
A. Zaknich 

Pharmacodynamic population analysis in chronic renal failure 
using artificial neural networks: A comparative study 
Adam E. Gaweda, Alfred A. Jacobs, Michael E. Brier, and 
Jacek M. Zurada 

Electronic nose based tea quality standardization
Ritaban Dutta, E.L. Hines, J.W. Gardner, K.R. Kashwan, and 
M. Bhuyan 

A novel neural network-based survival analysis method 
Antonio Eleuteri, Roberto Tagliaferri, Leopoldo Milano, Sabino 
De Placido, and Michele De Laurentiis 

Divide-and-conquer approach for brain machine interfaces: 
Nonlinear mixture of competitive linear models 
Sung-Phil Kim, Justin C. Sanchez, Deniz Erdogmus, Yadunandana 
N. Rao, Johan Wessberg, Jose C. Principe, and Miguel Nicolelis 

Stochastic error whitening algorithm for linear filter estimation
with noisy data
Yadunandana N. Rao, Deniz Erdogmus, Geetha Y. Rao, and 
Jose C. Principe 

New internal optimal neurocontrol for a series FACTS device in 
a power transmission line 
Jung-Wook Park, Ronald G. Harley, and Ganesh K. Venayagamoorthy 

Design of an adaptive neural network based power system stabilizer
Wenxin Liu, Ganesh K. Venayagamoorthy, and Donald C. Wunsch II 

On neural network techniques in the secure management of communication
systems through improving and quality assessing pseudorandom stream
D.A. Karras and V. Zorkadis 

Multimedia authenticity protection with ICA watermarking and 
digital bacteria vaccination 
Harold Szu, Steven Noel, Seong-Bin Yim, Jeff Willey, and Joe Landa 


Interpolation processes in the visual perception of objects
P.J. Kellman 

Laminar cortical dynamics of visual form perception 
Stephen Grossberg 

Moving objects appear to slow down at low contrasts
Stuart Anstis

Neural models of motion integration and segmentation 
Ennio Mingolla 


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