Possibility for a PhD
Bernd Porr
bp1 at cn.stir.ac.uk
Wed Jan 15 06:09:59 EST 2003
Possibility for a PhD
(sorry for multiple postings)
The Computational Neuroscience Group at the University of Stirling is
offering a PhD in the field of autonomous robotics. Robotics is seen
as a means for understanding the development of intelligence by
getting insights about the living from constructing animats.
Recent research at our group has focused on the (inner) perspective of
the organism or the animat (see "Constructivism"). Thereby feedback
from the environment to the animat becomes essential as only the
feedback provides information if actions have been successful or
not. However, simple reactive feedback control has the disadvantage
that it reacts always too late. If you have to rely only on reflexes
than you will have to burn your hand before you can pull it
away. Predictions of stimuli (here: pain) are essential to improve
behaviour. Learning to predict re-actions means that the organism is
able to act pro-actively.
The above ideas have been implemented in a closed-loop learning-scheme
which we call ISO-learning: Isotropic Sequence Order Learning:
This type of learning has been so far only been applied to simple
tasks (avoiding obstacles, targeting 'food') in order to provide a
proof of concept. The PhD-thesis shall explore more complex situations
with sequences of reflexes, hierachical structures and/or
'efference-copies'. Other possible areas of research relate to certain
forms of preprocessing of the sensor-inputs ("place cells") or to
post-processing of the motor-output.
The mathematical framework of ISO-learning is control-theory and
signal theory. We work with real and simulated robots which we program
in C++ and which we modify by adapting the electronics. Knowledge of
any of these areas would certainly be helpful for the successful
candidate. As ISO-learning has a strong link to control-theory
cooperations with the industry are possible.
This announcement is meant to attract possible candidates, so at this
stage a formal application is not required. If you are interested we
would ask you to send your informal but complete application (CV,
background, list of publications, statement of specific interest,
etc., etc.) to us. We would then contact you about how to proceed
further. Please feel free to contact us in case of any questions.
Bernd Porr and Florentin Wrgtter
Prof Florentin Wrgtter:
worgott at cn.stir.ac.uk
Bernd Porr:
bp1 at cn.stir.ac.uk
Computational Neuroscience
Dept of Psychology
Scotland, UK
Fax: +44 (0) 1786 46-7641
Tel: +44 (0) 1786 46-6369/6378
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