Wrokshop: kernel methods in computational biolog

Jean-Philippe Vert Jean-Philippe.Vert at mines.org
Wed Jan 8 06:37:42 EST 2003

** Workshop: Kernel methods in computational biology **
**      Harnack-Haus, Berlin, April 14, 2003         **
**         http://cg.ensmp.fr/~vert/kmb03            **

** Presentation **
Computational biology aims at processing, analyzing and making sense
out of huge amount of data produced by high-throughput technologies
such as DNA sequencing technologies, DNA and protein microarrays, mass
spectrometry or yeast two-hybrid systems. These data are heterogeneous
by nature (vectors, strings, graphs...), and often noisy and
high-dimensionnal. Kernel methods, such as support vector machines,
are promising tools in this context, combining good performances with
the ability to manipulate virtually any type of objects thanks to the
kernel trick. A number or kernel functions for biological objects have
been proposed recently, with encouraging results on several
classification issues.

The goal of this one-day workshop (which follows the Research in
Computational Molecular Biology RECOMB 2003 conference) is to review
the state-of-the-art in the application of kernel methods to biology
in order to highlight promising research directions, and to foster
communication between the computational biology and machine learning

No prior knowledge in kernel methods is expected: we explicitly
encourage participation of researchers in computational biology
interested in new algorithms and tools to process post-genomics
data. The workshop will begin with a tutorial on kernel methods.

Invited speakers include Nello Cristianini, William S. Noble, Yann
Guermeur, Tommi Jaakkola, Imre Kondor, Christina Leslie, Alex Smola,
Chris Watkins.

** Organizers **
Bernhard Schoelkopf <bernhard.schoelkopf at tuebingen.mpg.de>
Koji Tsuda <koji.tsuda at aist.go.jp>
Jean-Philippe Vert<Jean-Philippe.Vert at mines.org>

** Call for paper **
We are accepting submissions for oral and/or poster presentation. The
presentation should be related to the development of kernel methods
for problems in biology or computational biology. Please submit a
2-pages abstract to koji.tsuda at aist.go.jp , in PS or PDF format.

Submission deadline is March 14th, 2003.

** For more information, please check the workshop homepage **

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