faculty positions in computer science and statistics at UC Irvine
Padhraic Smyth
smyth at ics.uci.edu
Fri Dec 5 11:46:10 EST 2003
The Computer Science Department and the Statistics Department at UC
Irvine are currently recruiting faculty in the areas of scientific
computing and in statistics. Both departments are within the newly
formed School of Information and Computer Science. The School and
the University are growing rapidly and offer excellent
opportunities for collaborative research. Current faculty in
machine learning, AI, and statistics include Pierre Baldi, Rina
Dechter, David Van Dyk, Dennis Kibler, Rick Lathrop, Eric
Mjolsness, Michael Pazzani, Padhraic Smyth, Hal Stern, and Max
Welling. Several of us will be attending the NIPS conference this
coming week in Vancouver and would be happy to talk to candidates
who are potentially interested in applying. More details on
the positions are included below, with pointers to the
relevant Web pages for application information.
The Department of Computer Science at UC Irvine is recruiting
a tenure-track assistant professor with expertise in scientific
computing. Scientific computing is interpreted broadly to include
areas such as scientific and engineering numerical computing,
numerical analysis, symbolic algebra, multi-scale and adaptive
grid simulation, statistics and operations research, computational
science, computer graphics and visualization, high performance
computer architectures (vector, parallel and distributed),
scientific knowledge representation, and scientific databases
(this list is not exhaustive). The selected candidate will find
opportunities for synergistic interactions within the School of
Information and Computer Science with colleagues in areas such as
statistics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, computer
science theory, graphics and visualization, databases, as well as
with faculty in the sciences in other schools at UCI, in areas
such as biology, chemistry, earth sciences, social ecology, and
cognitive science. Further information on applying is available at
The Department of Statistics(http://www.stat.uci.edu/) at
the University of California, Irvine (UCI), is recruiting three
faculty positions in 2003-04: one with tenure and two tenure-track
assistant professorships. We anticipate growing to a full-time
faculty in statistics of 6-8 people over the next several years,
with several more half-time appointments shared with other units
at UCI. It will be a department with a strongly interdisciplinary
flavor, focused both on developing methods to solve applied
problems and the statistical theory that underlies those methods.
The Department is interested in individuals with research
interests in all areas of statistics at the present time including
computational statistics, bioinformatics and genomic statistics,
social science statistics, and mathematical statistics. Further
information on applying is available at
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