Invitation to submit to JCIS 2003 special session on recurrent neural nets
Simon Levy
levys at
Sun Apr 6 22:59:18 EDT 2003
Dear Connectionists,
I am soliciting submissions for a special session of the next Joint
Conference on Information Sciences ( The
conference will be held Sep 26-30 2003 at the Embassy Suites Hotel and
Conference Center in Cary, North Carolina, and the session will take
place one morning or afternoon during those four days. The topic of the
session will be "New Frontiers for Recurrent Neural Networks", with the
goal of sharing news on current work (including work in progress) with
other connectionists, in a friendly atmosphere. Last year's special
session included presentations on using recurrent networks for modeling
lexical development, goal management, short-term memory, and emergent
rule-like behavior. Papers presented at the session (four pages in
length) will be published in the JCIS 2003 Conference Proceedings.
All submission and questions should be directed to me (levys at
The camera-ready deadline is June 16. Thank you for your attention,
and I look forward to hearing from you.
Simon D. Levy
Assistant Professor
Computer Science Department
Washington & Lee University
Lexington, VA 24450
540-458-8419 (voice)
540-458-8479 (fax)
levys at
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