Eighth Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop (NCPW 8): Connectionist Models of Cognition, Perception, and Emotion

Christophe Labiouse clabiouse at ulg.ac.be
Wed Apr 2 12:50:26 EST 2003

Eighth Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop (NCPW 8)
   Connectionist Models of Cognition, Perception and Emotion

                 28-30 August 2003 at the
          University of Kent at Canterbury, UK

 The Eighth Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop (NCPW8)
 will be held in Canterbury, England from 28-30th August 2003.
 The NCPW series is now a well established and lively forum
 that brings together researchers from such diverse disciplines
 as artificial intelligence, cognitive science, computer science,
 neuroscience, philosophy and psychology. Between 25-30 papers
 will be accepted as oral presentations. In addition to the
 high quality of the papers presented, this Workshop takes
 place in an informal setting, in order to encourage interaction
 among the researchers present.

 Proceedings of the workshop will appear in the series Progress
 in Neural Processing, which is published by World Scientific.

 The list of speakers who have already agreed to attend includes:

       John Bullinaria (Birmingham)
       Gary Cottrell (San Diego)
       Bob French (Liege)
       Peter Hancock (Stirling)
       Richard Shillcock (Edinburgh)
       Chris Solomon (Kent at Canterbury)
       John Taylor (Kings College)
       Marius Usher (Birkbeck College)

 Important Dates
 Deadline for submission of abstracts: June 13th 2003
 Notification of acceptance/rejection: June 29th 2003

 More details can be found on the conference website,


 Conference Chair
 Howard Bowman, University of Kent, UK

 Conference Organisers
 Howard Bowman, UKC
 Colin G. Johnson, UKC
 Miguel Mendao, UKC
 Vikki Roberts, UKC

 Proceedings Editors
 Howard Bowman, UKC
 Christophe Labiouse, Liege

Christophe L. Labiouse
Research Fellow of the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research
University of Liege,
Department of Cognitive Science (B33)
Boulevard du Rectorat, 3
B-4000 Liege, Belgium
Tel 00 32 (0)4 3664870         Fax 00 32 (0)4 3662859
e-mail: clabiouse at ulg.ac.be

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