Post Doc Position
Dr. Gerhard Schrott
schrott at
Wed Sep 11 11:43:33 EDT 2002
Technical University of Munich
Department of Computer Science
The Department of Computer Science, Robotics and Embedded Systems Unit, invites
applications for a
Post-Doc Research Position
as the scientific assistant to the coordinator of the new EU-funded Network of Excellence on
Neuro-IT, which aims at building a critical mass of new interdisciplinary research excellence
at the interface between NS (Neurosciences) and IT (Information Technologies) within the
European Community and its Associated States. The objective is to complement and move
beyond the already well established NI (NeuroInformatics), AI (Artificial Intelligence) and
neuroscience/cognitive science domains by fostering research that will benefit both the NS
and IT communities by helping to solve fundamental problems like those linked to the
emergence and the modelling of cognitive and awareness processes.
Applications would be particularly welcome from candidates with research interests (and a
record of innovative research results) in one or more of the following areas: cognitive,
epigenetic, evolutionary and/or sensor-based robotics; bioanalogue sensor data processing and
sensor data fusion; human and machine learning; experimental brain research;
neuromodeling; neuropsychology; theoretical biology.
The successful candidate will have a doctoral degree in computer science or the
neurosciences, together with practical experience in robotics. An excellent command of the
English language is mandatory. Further details may be obtained from Prof. A. Knoll and Dr.
G. Schrott, schrott at
Closing date: 5 October 2001. Applications including the CV, certificates, publication list
should be sent to: Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Fakultaet fuer Informatik, LS VI
Robotics and Embedded Systems, z.H. R. te Vehne, Boltzmannstrasse 3, D-85748 Garching
bei Muenchen, Germany, or by E-mail to schrott at
Dr. Gerhard Schrott
Institut fr Informatik
Technische Universitt Mnchen
Boltzmannstrae 3, 85748 Garching
Telefon: +89 289-18134
Telefax: +89 289-18107
E-mail : schrott at
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