8th Conference of Eng. Applications of Neural Networks EANN'03. Call for papers

Javier Fernández de Cañete canete at ctima.uma.es
Wed Oct 23 06:41:34 EDT 2002

Call for Papers and Participation
Eighth International Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural 
Costa del Sol, M=E1laga, Spain
8-10 September 2003
The conference is a forum for presenting the latest results on neural 
network applications in technical fields. The applications may be in any 
engineering or technical field, including but not limited to: building 
systems, systems engineering, mechanical engineering, robotics, process 
engineering, metallurgy, pulp and paper technology, aeronautical 
engineering, computer science, machine vision, chemistry, chemical 
engineering, physics, electrical engineering, electronics, civil 
engineering, geophysical sciences, biomedical systems, and environmental 

This year conference is organised by the University of Malaga in 
co-operation with the Dpt. of System Engineering and Automation.

For information on earlier EANN conferences visit 
EANN2003 Web Page: http://www.isa.uma.es/eann03

Abstract Submission
Prospective authors are requested to send an extended abstract for 
review by the International Committee.

All papers must be written in English, starting with a succinct 
statement of the problem and the application area, the results achieved, 
their significance and a comparison with previous work (if any).

The following must be also be included:

Title of proposed paper,
Author names,
Name of author to contact for correspondence,
E-mail address and fax number of contact author,
Topics which best describe the paper (max. 5 keywords),

It is strongly recommended to submit extended abstracts by electronic 
mail to:

eann03 at ctima.uma.es

Tutorial Proposals
EANN2003 is soliciting tutorial proposals, covering any area of 
neurocomputing from theory to implementation guidelines for the benefit 
of the participants. 

The conference will take place in a hotel of the Costa del Sol by the 
Mediterranean sea in southern Spain, 12 km west of Malaga. The hotel is 
located near the beach and yacht harbour  "Puerto Marina"  and less than 
10 minutes drive from Malaga international airport.

The Costa del Sol is situated in the South of Spain, located in the far 
west of the Mediterranean. The area of coastline that is the Costa del 
Sol extends northwards from the Straits of Gibraltar, which is the door 
to the Mediterranean Sea from the Atlantic Ocean.

Diary Dates
Abstract Submission Deadline: 28 February 2003

Notification of Acceptance: 28 March 2003

Delivery of full papers: 2 May 2003

Proposals for Tutorials:  17 May 2003

Social Events

A boat trip will be organised on Monday 8th and a gala dinner will be 
offered to participants on Tuesday 9th September.

Post-conference Publications

A number of papers will be selected for inclusion (enhanced versions) in 
a Special Issue of a prestigious scientific magazine (Neurocomputing, 
Neural Computing and Applications, etc) as it was done in earlier EANN 


Conference Fee
Industry and University Rate:GBP300
Student Rate with proceedings:GBP200
Student Rate without proceedings:GBP150

The rates above entitle you to access to the conference sessions (3 
days), a copy of the final programme and the proceedings (except option 
3 see above), a list of conference participants
coffee/tea Breaks (3 days), Lunch (3 days) and gala Dinner (1 day) and 
social events that are free of any additional charges.  


Local Committee

Conference Secretariat

J. Fernandez de Canete

A. Garc=EDa-Cerezo

A. Mandow  

I.  Garc=EDa-Moral

G. Joya

J. Mu=F1oz-Perez


Organising Committee

A. Osman (USA)
R. Baratti (Italy)
C. Kuroda (Japan)
A. Ruano (Portugal)
A.J. Owens (USA)

D. Tsaptsinos (UK)


International Committee to be extended

A. Bulsari, Finland

A. Iwata, Japan

S. Michaelides, Cyprus
F. Sandoval, Spain

R. Saatchi, UK   

P. Zufiria, Spain

S. Lecoeuche , France
A. J. Owens, USA

R. Parenti, Italy

A. Servida, Italy  

F. Garc=EDa-Lagos, Spain

A. Fanni, Italy

N, Hazarika, UK

S. Bitzer, Germany

J. Ringwood, Ireland


Prof. Javier Fernandez de Canete. Ph. D.
Dpto. de Ingenier=EDa de Sistemas y Automatica
E.T.S.I. Informatica
Campus de Teatinos, 29071 Malaga (SPAIN)

Phone: +34-95-2132887
FAX:    +34-95-2133361
e_mail: canete at ctima.uma.es

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