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INTEGRATIVE NEUROSCIENCE intneuro at net2000.com.au
Thu Oct 3 15:41:22 EDT 2002

The following paper is scheduled to appear in the forthcoming issue
of the Journal of Integrative Neuroscience,  volume 1, Issue 2,
December 2002:


A framework is outlined for connecting brain imaging activity with the
underlying biophysical properties of neural networks, and their
mechanisms of action and organizing principles.  The main thrust of the
framework is a dynamic theory of semantics based on functional
integration of biophysical neural networks. It asserts that higher-brain

function arises from both synaptic and extrasynaptic integration in the
neuropil where information on environmental changes are represented
dynamically through a discourse of semantics. Consequently, integrative
neural modeling is shown to be an important methodology for analyzing
the response activities of functional imaging studies in elucidating the

relationship between brain structure, function and behavior.

Roman R. Poznanski
Centre de Recherche en Physiologie Intégrative
Hôpital Tarnier
CHU Cochin-Port-Royal, 89, rue d'Assas, Paris 75006
poznan at integrative-physiology.org

The Journal of Integrative Neuroscience will serve as a focus for new
discoveries in the advancement of experimental and theoretical

The journal covers the following disciplines:

    1. PDE's and nonlinear dynamical systems;
    2. Noninformationalist/noncomputationalist theories of mind;
    3. Integrative neural modeling;
    4. Functional imaging (PET/fMRI);
    5. Experiments linking molecular with cellular phenomena.
    6. Interregional functional connectivity (anatomy and physiology);
    7. Philosophical foundations of neuroscience;
    8. Neural engineering applications.

Computational neuroscience with its computer metaphors provides little
help to foundational theory because of its lack of relation to
physical law and its weak relationship to neurobiological
processes. The new field of

integrative neuroscience encompasses the requirements of
physical-biological foundations, expansive inclusiveness of scope
across biological and psychological variables, multi-leveled
hierarchical complexity, and analytical tools demanded by the brain's
complexity. Integrative neuroscience is a large-scale synthesis whose
scope and time are right. It embodies the future directions of
theoretical neuroscience, and should provide many bridging

(Only vol. 1, issue 1 is free).

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sales department at:
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Price Information:
   ISSN: 0219-6352 ; Vol. 1/2002; 2 Issues
   Special Rates: Individuals
   (Print Only)    US$56
   Institutions/Libraries US$ 84


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