PhD Positions

Tim Pearce tcp1 at
Fri Nov 15 06:16:14 EST 2002

PhD Studentship in Biologically Inspired Robotics

A postgraduate researcher is required for an EC-funded project available
immediately. The project concerns the development of neuronal models to
control an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) robot to perform stereotypical
moth-like chemotaxis (chemical search) behaviour. The project will
develop biologically-inspired sensor, information processing and control
systems for a  c(hemosensing) UAV. The cUAV will identify and track
volatile compounds of different chemical composition in outdooor
environments. Its olfactory and sensory-motor systems are to be inspired
by the moth, which will be supported by computational neuroscience model
development. This development continues our research in artificial and
biological olfaction, sensory processing and analysis, neuronal models
of learning, real-time behavioural control, and robotics. Further
details on the project and the research teams can be found at

The project includes significant funding and opportunities for travel
within Europe to visit the laboratories of the participating consortia
(in Switzerland, France, and Sweden) and outside Europe to attend
international scientific meetings. Applicants should have a strong
analytical background, a keen interest in neuroscience, and a good
honours degree (at the 2(i) level or higher) in engineering, mathematics
or physics. The student will be responsible for development of the
experimental set-up for assessing chemical search strategies applied to
robots within unsteady laminar/turbulent flow - which will involve
programming, simulation, numerical and electronics development.

Applicants should have a demonstrated interest in one or more of the
following, neuroscience, robotics, and/or artificial intelligence. Some
experience of fluid dynamics would be an advantage. Good team skills are

The studentship includes a stipend of £12,000 per year for 3 years and
includes full provision for academic fees. Both EU and non-EU nationals
may apply.

PhD Studentship in Neuroengineering/Computational Neuroscience

A postgraduate research position is available on an EC-funded project
immediately. The position is to support the EU Network of Excellence in
Neuroinformatics - nEUro-IT (details of the network are under
construction at

The project includes funding and opportunities for travel within Europe
to visit educational establishments conducting research related to the
interests of the network. Applicants should have a strong analytical
background, an interest in neuroscience, and a good honours degree (at
the 2(i) level or higher) in engineering, mathematics or physics. As
part of their commitment to the Network of Excellence the student will
be responsible for development of a database of educational material
related to neuroinformatics and neuroengineering within Europe . In
addition the student is expected to carry out research in any topic of
their choice related to the research of the laboratory (see  for details) that will be
expected to lead to the award of a PhD. Good team skills are essential.

The studentship includes a stipend of £12,000 per year for 3 years and
includes full provision for academic fees. Only EU nationals may apply.
Further details on the research activities carried in this laboratory
can be found at

The Engineering Department was rated 5A in the Research Assessment
Exercise, 2001.
Initial enquiries and requests for details of the application process
should be addressed to the EU Project Assistant, Mr. John Harrison,
Department of Engineering, University of Leicester, Leicester LE1 7RH,
United Kingdom, +44 116 252 5384, jlh36 at

Both positions are available immediately - please indicate which
position you are interested in when applying . Deadline for applications
is 8th December, 2002 with an expected start date early in 2003.

T.C. Pearce, PhD URL:
Lecturer in Bioengineering E-mail: t.c.pearce at
Department of Engineering  Tel: +44 (0)116 223 1290
University of Leicester    Fax: +44 (0)116 252 2619
Leicester LE1 7RH | PGPKEYiQA/AwUBPQX69wNft0T+Otu0EQL5lwCg9x

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