James Bower
bower at
Wed Mar 27 20:27:45 EST 2002
First Annual GENESIS Users Meeting
November 8,9,10
San Antonio
The first annual GENESIS Users Meeting will take place this fall in
beautiful San Antonio, Texas. Unique in its structure, this meeting
will combine introductory, intermediate, and advanced tutorials in
the use of GENESIS with a full agenda of scientific presentations
focused on the study of biological systems using realistic modeling
techniques. The meeting's overall objective will be to promote
communication and collaboration between GENESIS users and others
involved in realistic biological modeling and to provide an
introduction to other interested scientists.
GENESIS Tutorials.
The schedule on Friday, November 8th, will be devoted to tutorials
organized at several different levels. The introductory tutorial
will be lead by Dr. David Beeman, who has been providing introductory
instruction in GENESIS use since the first course in Computational
Neuroscience at the Marine Biological Laboratory in the summer of
1989, and more recently with the European Course in Computational
Neuroscience. Students, Postdoctoral Fellows or Faculty interested
in realistic modeling techniques are encouraged to attend.
Concurrent tutorials will also be offered on Friday for intermediate
and advanced GENESIS users.
Scientific Program
Saturday and Sunday, November 9th and 10th, will be devoted to
scientific and technical presentations related to realistic
simulations of biological systems. Appropriate presentations include
scientific results from realistic modeling efforts, presentations on
technical aspects of simulator use and development, and presentations
describing biological systems felt to be ripe for simulation and
modeling. While research using GENESIS is especially encouraged,
presentations based on other simulation systems are also welcomed.
The organization of the scientific program will also be somewhat
unique. The morning sessions will be devoted to 15 minute oral
presentations from each of the contributing authors. This will
provide all attendees exposure to the full range of work presented at
the meeting. The afternoon will then be devoted to more detailed
discussion of results in a poster/demonstration format.
Community Building
In addition to the educational and scientific aspects of meeting,
opportunities will also be provided for more relaxed interactions
between participants. San Antonio Texas is famous for its River Walk
( where the meeting
banquet will take place on Saturday evening. The San Antonio/Austin
area of South Texas is also famous for its indigenous music scene -
recently added to by Ramon and the K-Halls, who, it is rumored, are
already putting pressure on meeting organizers for an exclusive
contract. In other words, a good time will be had by all!
Society for Neuroscience Attendees
Likely attendees of this year's Society for Neuroscience meeting in
Orlando Florida should note that GUM*02 is scheduled the weekend
after the neuroscience meeting, and Texas is not very far from
Florida and much more interesting and real than Orlando.
Meeting Registration Costs
Registration for GUM*02 will be $99 for students and $159 for
non-students. Extra banquet tickets will be available for $35.
Because this is the first GUM, we would ask that interested
participants pre-register by sending email to the GENESIS users group
at babel at There is no obligation, but
pre-registration will allow the organizers to gauge the likely number
of participants. With that information, the organizers will be able
to arrange special rates for housing.
Registration and Request for Presentations
Meeting and tutorial registration will open on August 1st. At that
time authors will be asked to provide an abstract for their
We hope to see you in 'ol San Antone this Fall
James M. Bower Ph.D.
Research Imaging Center
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
7703 Floyd Curl Drive
San Antonio, TX 78284-6240
Cajal Neuroscience Center
University of Texas San Antonio
Phone: 210 567 8080
Fax: 210 567 8152
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