PhD studentship available
B.P. Graham
bpg at
Thu Mar 21 06:13:50 EST 2002
Dear all,
A 3-year EPSRC-funded PhD studentship is available in the
Neural Computing group, Department of Computing Science and
Mathematics, University of Stirling, Scotland
( Applications are required by
May 1st, 2002. Start date is September 1st, 2002.
Title: Compartmental modelling of developing neurons
Supervisor: Dr Bruce Graham (
Project summary:
A major tool in the study of biological nervous systems is
computer simulation of neuronal function using the
compartmental modelling framework. Neurons and the networks
they form are the outcome of a developmental process. The aim
of this project is to extend the compartmental modelling
framework to enable the modelling of developing neurons that
are undergoing changes in shape and membrane characteristics
over time. Novel numerical techniques are required to handle
the accurate simulation of dynamic intracellular and
extracellular environments. Simulations must handle multiple
time scales, ranging from the submillisecond for electrical
activity to hours for morphological change. The techniques
will be incorporated into user-friendly simulation software.
The resultant computational tools will allow the investigation
of many aspects of nervous system development. They will be
applied here in a study of the growth of a neuron's dendritic
tree. The dendritic tree is the major site of input to the
neuron and its morphology plays a determining role in the
signal integration and processing capabilities of the neuron.
The aim is to produce models that elucidate the biophysical
mechanisms underlying the formation of the characteristic tree
morphologies of different neuronal types. Further details of
the research can be found on the project's web page
The student will work under the supervision of Dr Bruce Graham
(, with additional supervision
from Dr Arjen van Ooyen ( at
the Netherlands Institute for Brain Research in Amsterdam.
Travel money is available for yearly visits to Amsterdam.
The project ideally suits candidates with strong numerical and
computing skills, with an interest in modelling biological
systems, or alternatively with a biological background with
significant, demonstrated numerical and computing skills.
Closing date for applications is 1st May, 2002.
Starting date is 1st September, 2002 (or as soon as possible
For further information, in the first instance please contact
Dr Bruce Graham (b.graham at
For application details, please contact:-
Mrs Heather Brennan
Department of Computing Science and Mathematics
University of Stirling
Stirling FK9 4LA, Scotland, UK
Tel: 01786 467460 Fax: 01786 464551
Email: heather at
Applications should clearly indicate that you are applying for this
studentship. The required summary of your proposed research project
should emphasise your reasons for applying for this particular project
and the skills and methodology that you will employ.
Dr Bruce Graham, Lecturer (b.graham at
Dept. of Computing Science and Mathematics,
University of Stirling, Stirling FK9 4LA
phone: +44 1786 467 432 fax: +44 1786 464 551
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