NeuroCOLT Workshop 2002

marina d'Engelbronner marina at
Wed Mar 6 04:33:48 EST 2002

Workshop on Generalisation Bounds Less than 0.5

The NeuroCOLT project coordinated by Royal Holloway, University of
London is organising a workshop (which will be the final meeting of
the project) from Monday April 29th until Thursday May 2nd 2002 at
Cumberland Lodge, Windsor. The workshop draws together leading
researchers in the drive to give non-trivial bounds on the
generalisation of classifiers trained on real-world data. There will
also be space for contributed presentations on related topics in the
analysis of learning systems. Further information concerning the
workshop (including the registration form) can be obtained from the
workshop webpage:

If you are interested in attending the workshop, please fill out the
registration form. Please note that there is very limited space at the
workshop, so book early to avoid disappointment.

The costs for the workshop (including accommodation, lunch, dinner,
tea and coffee) will be =A3328. We will require the full amount of
=A3328 to be paid on or before Wednesday April 15th 2002, either by
cheque (in name of RHBNC; sent to me, see address below) or by making
a bank transfer (to RHBNC, NatWestBank, Egham; sort-code: 600733; bank
account number: 02325330; bank international code: NWB KGB2L;
reference-code: 1090.3966).

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Many thanks

Marina d'Engelbronner
Department of Computer Science
Royal Holloway University of London
Egham Hill
TW20 0EX
United Kingdom
tel: **.(0)1784.443912

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