No subject

Peter König peterk at
Thu Jan 24 08:56:53 EST 2002

25.2.-27.2.2002 the EU neuroinformatics workshop "Neural and 
Artificial Information" will take place in Zürich. This workshop is 
part of a series of workshop organized by the EU network of 
Neuroinformatics. It addresses our current understanding of the 
computational properties of the brain. In particular we want to focus 
on a discussion of the encoding capabilities of neurons and 
populations of neurons. One of the goals of this analysis is to 
assess how our understanding of neural computation can both be 
facilitated by the constructing of synthetic neuronal systems and 
give rise to novel information processing technology. The different 
contributions to the workshop are structured around different levels 
of neuronal organization: subcellular, cellular, circuits, systems. 
The different contributions aim to elucidate the differences and 
commonalities between the traditional definition and understanding of 
computation and that observed in the nervous system.

More information and registration forms can be found at

With best regards, Peter König, Paul FMJ Verschure and Tim Pearce.
PD Dr. Peter König		+41-1-635 30 60
Institute of Neuroinformatics	+41-1-635 30 53 (fax)
ETH - University Zürich
Winterthurerstr. 190		peterk at
8057 Zürich

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