Neural Networks, Automata, and Formal Models of Computation

Mikel L. Forcada mlf at
Mon Jan 21 09:15:52 EST 2002

Dear Connectionists,

This is just to announce the availability of a web document, "Neural
Networks, Automata, and Formal Models of Computation". The URL is


You will find both a printable PDF file and a browsable (imperfect)
HTML version.

"Neural Networks, Automata, and Formal Models of Computation" was
initially conceived (in 1995) as a reprint collection.  A number of
personal and editorial circumstances have prevented me from finishing
this work; therefore, this document can only be seen as some kind of
draft, besides being somewhat outdated (reflecting perhaps the state
of things around 1999). But I am making it publically available, just
in case it is useful to other people working in related fields. I am
switching to a different field of computer science, and I thought that
perhaps it was better to have it on the web than buried in my hard

Mikel L. Forcada                    E-mail: mlf at
Departament de Llenguatges          Phone: +34-96-590-3400 ext. 3384;
i Sistemes Informàtics                also +34-96-590-3772.
UNIVERSITAT D'ALACANT               Fax:   +34-96-590-9326, -3464
E-03071 ALACANT, Spain.             URL:

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