Research Lecturer Position in Berlin

rojas rojas at
Tue Jan 8 03:57:05 EST 2002

Freie Universitat Berlin

Research Lecturership in Neuroinformatics / Theoretical Neuroscience
(Oberassistent/in, C 2)

Department of Biology, Chemistry and Pharmacy
Institute of Biology

Applications are invited for the position of research lecturer in
neuroinformatics/ theoretical neuroscience. The post is funded by the Donors
' Association for the Promotion of Sciences and Humanities in Germany
(Stifterverband fur die Deutsche Wissenschaft). The successful applicant
will be required to provide research and teaching in the said area.

In line with article 106 of the Higher Education Act of the land of Berlin
(Berliner Hochschulgesetz), a postdoctoral qualification (Habilitation) in
the field of Informatics or Neurobiology or comparable qualifications for a
teaching career in higher education are required.

The successful candidate is expected to have extensive experience in the
acquisition and evaluation of neural data as well as international
experience in teaching and research. She/he will collaborate with
experimental neuroscience groups at the Freie Universitat Berlin and
participate in the activities of a Collaborative Research Centre in
neuroscience (title: Mechanisms of developmental and experience-dependent
neural plasticity). She/he should not be older than 35 years at the time of

In general, the language of instruction will be German, but some activities
may be offered in English. Non-German speaking applicants are expected to
learn German within two years.

The Freie Universitat Berlin is an equal opportunities employer.

The successful candidate will be offered civil servant or comparable public
sector employee status (Oberassistent Grade "C2", limited to four years
according to the German system).

Applications, quoting Vacancy  Oberassistent/in must reach the

Freie Universitat Berlin
Fachbereich Biologie, Chemie, Pharmazie
Institut fur Biologie
Prof.Dr. Randolf Menzel
14195 Berlin,
Konigin-Luise-Str. 28-30

not later than 4 weeks after the publication of this advertisement.
Applications should include the following: a letter describing your interest
in the position and pertinent experience, a curriculum vitae, a list of
publications, and copies of the certificates of academic qualifications

The Freie Universitat Berlin is a state-funded university. It has some
40,000 students and 520 professors. The University has 12 departments
structured into more than 100 institutes. Detailed information is available
at the following web sites: and

Prof.Dr. Raul Rojas
Freie Universitat Berlin
FB Mathematik und Informatik
Takustr. 9
14195 Berlin
Tel: ++49/30/83875100

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