Systems Neuroscience / Madrid

Nestor Parga Carballeda nestor at
Tue Feb 19 16:13:57 EST 2002

Interested candidates are invited to apply for a "Ramon y Cajal"
position for experimental research work in Systems Neuroscience at the
group of Computational Neuroscience of the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid,

These are five year positions co-funded by the Spanish Ministery of
Science and Technology and the Universities. This is the second year
that these contracts are given in Spain and there will be a third call
next year.  More information about them can be found at the web
Applicants are should to submit a research proposal (of no more than
2,000 words). They are expected to work in interaction with the
theoretical team of the Computational Neuroscience group.  The basic
idea is to carry out joint work on information processing in the brain
by combining theoretical and experimental approaches. This leaves a
rather broad field within which the candidates can make their
proposals.  Details about the current (theoretical) work of the group
can be found at the web site:
Apart from the research proposal, applicants should also provide a
full CV, a list of all publications and a statement of research
interests to:
Nestor Parga
at one of two following e-mail addresses:
nestor at
parga at                                                       

The Universities should make a decision about the type of projects
that they are willing to fund by the end of February.
For this reason applications should be sent to the address above
preferably before February 25.
This is the first stage of the selection process. A formal application
and evaluation will be done later this year
(see for details)                          

|  Nestor Parga                    |                                |
|                                  | Phone :  (+34) 91-397-4542     | 
|  Dpto. de Fisica Teorica, C-XI   | Fax   :  (+34) 91-397-3936     |
|  Universidad Autonoma de Madrid  | E-mail:   nestor at|
|  28049 Madrid, SPAIN             |           parga at|  
|                                                                   |
|                |

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