First CFP SBRN 2002
Teresa Bernarda Ludermir
tbl at
Wed Feb 6 11:32:31 EST 2002
Apologies for cross-posting
Recife, November 11-14, 2002
The biannual Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (SBRN)
- of which this is the 7th event - is a forum dedicated to Neural
Networks (NNs) and other models of computational intelligence. The
emphasis of the Symposium will be on original theories and novel
applications of these computational models. The Symposium welcomes
paper submissions from researchers, practitioners, and students
worldwide. The proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer
Society. Selected, extended, and revised papers from SBRN'2002 will be
also considered for publication in a special issue of the
International Journal of Neural Systems and of the Journal of
Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems.
SBRN'2002 is sponsored by the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) and
co-sponsored by SIG/INNS/Brazil Special Interest Group of the
International Neural Networks Society in Brazil. It will take place
November 11-14, and will be held in Recife at a beach resort. Recife,
located on the northeast coast of Brazil, is known as the "Brazilian
Venice" because of its many canals and waterways and the innumerable
bridges that span them. It is the major gateway to the Northeast with
regular flights to all major cities in Brazil as well as Lisbon,
London, Frankfurt, and Miami. See more information about the place ( that will host the
SBRN'2002 will be held in conjunction with the XVI Brazilian Symposium
on Artificial Intelligence ( (SBIA).
SBIA has its main focus on symbolic AI. Crossfertilization of these
fields will be strongly encouraged. Both Symposiums will feature
keynote speeches and tutorials by world-leading researchers. The
deadline for submissions is April 15, 2002. More details on paper
submission and conference registration will be coming soon.
Sponsored by the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC)
Co-Sponsored by SIG/INNS/Brazil Special Interest Group of the
International Neural Networks Society in Brazil
Organised by the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE)/Centre of
Informatics (CIn)
Published by the IEEE Computer Society
Submission: 15 April 2002
Acceptance: 17 June 2002
Camera-ready: 22 August 2002
Non-exhaustive list of topics which will be covered during SBRN'2002:
Applications: finances, data mining, neurocontrol, time series analysis,
bioinformatics; Architectures: cellular NNs, hardware and software
implementations, new models, weightless models; Cognitive Sciences:
adaptive behaviour, natural language, mental processes; Computational
Intelligence: evolutionary systems, fuzzy systems, hybrid systems;
Learning: algorithms, evolutionary and fuzzy techniques, reinforcement
learning; Neurobiological Systems: bio-inspired systems, biologically
plausible networks, vision; Neurocontrol: robotics, dynamic systems,
adaptive control; Neurosymbolic processing: hybrid approaches, logical
inference, rule extraction, structured knowledge; Pattern Recognition:
signal processing, artificial/computational vision; Theory: radial basis
functions, Bayesian systems, function approximation, computability,
learnability, computational complexity.
Paper Submission:
Prospective authors are invited to submit 6-page, 11-point,
double-column papers (postscript or pdf format) written in English,
Portuguese or Spanish - see the style file at
( More details on paper
submission and conference registration will be coming soon.
The first volume of the Proceedings will be published by IEEE Computer
Society Press, in time for distribution at the symposium. It will
include only accepted papers written in English and abstracts of
accepted papers written in Portuguese or Spanish. A second volume will
be issued as a CD-ROM, and will contain accepted papers originally
written in Portuguese or Spanish.
General Chair:
Teresa B. Ludermir (UFPE/CIn, Brazil)
tbl at
Program Chair:
Marcilio C. P. de Souto (UFPE/CIn, Brazil)
mcps at
Publications Chair:
Marley Vellasco (PUC-RJ, Brazil)
marley at
Organising Committee
Teresa B. Ludermir (UFPE, BR)
Marc=EDlio C. P. de Souto (UFPE, BR)
Steering Committee:
Aluizio F. R. Araujo (USP-SC, BR)
Antonio de P. Braga (UFMG, BR)
Andre P. L. F. de Carvalho (USP-SC, BR)
Teresa B. Ludermir (UFPE, BR)
Carlos H. C. Ribeiro (ITA, BR)
Marc=EDlio C. P. de Souto (UFPE, BR)
Marley Vellasco (PUC-RJ, BR)
Gerson Zaverucha (UFRJ, BR)
Program Committee (Preliminary)
Igor Aleksander (Imperial College, UK)
Aluizio F. R. Araujo (USP-SC, BR)
Pierre Baldi (Univ. of California at Irvine, USA)
Valmir Barbosa (UFRJ, BR)
Allan Kardec D. Barros (UFMA, BR)
Antonio de P. Braga (UFMG, BR)
Anne M. de P. Canuto (UFRN, BR)
Otavio Carpiteiro (EFEI, BR)
Andre P. L. F. Carvalho (USP-SC, BR)
Alejandro Ceccatto (Univ. of Rosario, AR)
Phillipe DeWilde (Imperial College, UK)
Paulo M. Engel (UFRGS, BR)
Felipe Franca (UFRJ, BR)
Fernando Gomide (UNICAMP, BR)
Maria Eunice Gonzales (UNESP-Marilia, BR)
Stephen Grossberg (Boston University, USA)
Bart Kosko (University of Southern California, USA)
Teresa B. Ludermir (UFPE, BR)
Wolfgang Maass (Technische Univ. Graz, AUSTRIA)
Marcio L. de Andrade Netto (UNICAMP, BR)
Jose R. C. Piqueira (USP, BR)
Jose Pr=EDncipe (Univ. of Florida, USA)
Carlos H. C. Ribeiro (ITA, BR)
Jude W. Shavlik (Univ. of Wisconsin, USA)
Marcilio C. P. de Souto (UFPE, BR)
Harold Szu (Univ. of SW Lousiana, USA)
Germano C. Vasconcelos (UFPE, BR)
Marley Vellasco (PUC-RJ, BR)
Takashi Yoneyama (ITA, BR)
Gerson Zaverucha (UFRJ, BR)
Jack M. Zurada (Univ. of Louisville, USA)
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