ICDL'02 - Development and Learning
Tony Jebara
jebara at cs.columbia.edu
Fri Apr 26 21:55:55 EDT 2002
Dear Connectionists,
You may be interested in attending the following conference. Please
note that early registration rates are available until May 5th, 2002.
Details and the program are available at:
Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message.
-Tony Jebara
The 2nd International Conference on Development and Learning (ICDL'02)
June 12 - 15, 2002
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, Massachusetts USA
Sponsored by:
American Association for Artificial Intelligence
Cognitive Science Society
IEEE Computer Society
IEEE Neural Networks Society
IEEE Robotics and Automation Society
Recent advances in artificial intelligence, cognitive science,
neuroscience and robotics have stimulated the birth and growth of a
new research field, known as computational autonomous mental
development. Although human mental development is a well known
subject of study, e.g., in developmental psychology, computational
studies of mental development for either machines or humans had not
received sufficient attention in the past. Mental development is a
process during which a brain-like natural or artificial embodied
system, under the control of its intrinsic species-specific
developmental program residing in the genes or artificially designed,
develops mental capabilities through its autonomous real-time
interactions with its environments (including its own internal
environment and components) using its own sensors and effectors. The
scope of mental development includes cognitive, behavioral, emotional
and all other mental capabilities that are exhibited by humans, higher
animals and artificial systems. Investigations of the computational
mechanisms of mental development are expected to improve our
systematic understanding of the working of the wide variety of
cognitive and behavioral capabilities in humans and to enable
autonomous development of these highly complex capabilities by robots
and other artificial systems.
James L. McClelland
Alex P. Pentland
Jeff Elman
Mriganka Sur
Juyang Weng
Sridhar Mahadevan
Tony Jebara
Program Overview:
June 12, 2002:
Cortical Development and Learning during Vision, Recognition, and Action
(Stephen Grossberg)
Autonomous Mental Development for Robots
(Juyang Weng)
June 13, 2002:
Cortical Plasticity Contributing to Variations in Human Performance Ability
(Michael Merzenich)
A Developing Sensory Mapping for Robots
(N. Zhang, J. Weng, and Z. Zhang)
Combining Embodied Models and Empirical Research for Understanding the
Development of Shared Attention
(I. Fasel, G. Deak, J. Triesch, and J. Movellan)
Learning to Recognize Human Action Sequences
(C. Yu, and D. Ballard)
The Development of Gaze Following as a Bayesian Systems Identification
(J. Movellan, and J.S. Watson)
Prediction-error Driven Learning: The Engine of Change in Cognitive
(James McClelland)
Combining Configural and TD Learning on a Robot
(D.S. Touretzky, N.D. Daw, and E.J. Tira-Thompson)
Action Chaining by a Developmental Robot with a Value System
(Y. Zhang, and J. Weng)
A Model of an Expectancy-driven and Analogy-making Actor
(A. Kulakov, G. Stojanov, and D. Davcec)
How do Features of Sensory Representations Develop?
(Jon Kass)
Dav: A Humanoid Robot Platform for Autonomous Mental Development
(J.D. Han, S.W. Zeng, K.Y. Tham, M. Badgero, and J. Weng)
A Novel Optimal Discriminant Principle in High Dimensional Spaces
(Y. Guo, and L. Wu)
Cortical Software Re-Use: A Computational Principle for Cognitive Robotics
(R. Reilly, and I. Marian)
Contentful Mental States for Robot Baby
(P.R. Cohen, J.T. Oates, and C.R. Beal)
An Incremental Representation of Conceptual Symbols Using RCE Neural Network
(M. Xie, and M.L.Yuan)
A Developmental Principle for Robotic Hand-Eye Coordination Skill
(M. Xie)
An Evolutional Network Architecture for Developmental Knowledge Bases
(A. Saad, and A.R.M. Zaghloul)
Towards a Theory Grounded Theory of Language
(C.G. Prince, E.J. Mislivec, O.V. Kosolapaov, and T.R. Lykken)
June 14,2002:
One Thing Follows Another: Initial State, Task, and Developmental Change in
Human Infants
(Esther Thelen)
A Theory for Mentally Developing Robots
(J. Weng)
Many-Layered Learning
(P.E. Utgoff, and D.J. Stracuzzi)
Beyond the Turing Test: Performance Metrics for Evaluating a Computer
Simulation of the Human Mind
(N. Alvarado, S. S. Adams, S. Burbeck, and C. Latta )
Learning in Content-based Image Retrieval
(Thomas S. Huang)
Developmental Learning of Memory-based Perceptual Models
(Y. Ivanov, and B. Blumberg)
Learning to Detect Multi-View Faces in Real-Time
(S.Z. Li, L. Zhu, Z.Q,. Zhang, and H.T. Zhang)
Local Non-Negative Matrix Factorization as a Visual Representation
(T. Feng, S.Z. Li, H.Y. Shum, and H.J. Zhang)
Humanoid Robot Models of Child Development
(Rodney Brooks)
Statistical Imitative Learning from Perceptual Data
(T. Jebara, and A. Pentland)
Learning Prospective Pick and Place Behavior
(D. Wheeler, A.H. Fagg, and R.A. Grupen)
Learning Movement Sequences from Demonstration
(A. Ramesh, and M.J. Mataric)
June 15, 2002:
Rewiring Cortex: Rules of Cortical Network Development
(Mriganka Sur)
Interactions Between Development and Learning During the Acquisition of
Binocular Disparity Sensitivities
(M. Dominguez, and R.A. Jacobs)
Dynamic Growth Modeling of Human Cognitive Microdevelopment
(Z. Yan, and K. Fischer)
Marginal Self-organization: A Model of the Role of Executive Processes in
(R. Viviani)
Learning Your Life: Wearables and Familiars
(Alex Pentland)
On the Development of Visual Object Memory: The Stay/Go Decision Problem
(C.T. Morrison, P. Cohen, and P. Sebastiani)
A Computer-based Tutoring System for Visual-Spatial Skills: Dynamically
Adapting to the Users Developmental Range
(M.W. Connell, and D.A. Stevens)
Extending the BDI Model to Accelerate the Mental Development of Autistic
(B. Galitsky)
Development as a Source of Complexity
(Jeff Elman)
Dopamine, Reward Conditioning and Robot Behavior
(O. Sporns, and W.H. Alexander)
Dopamine and Inference About Timing
(N. Daw, A.C. Courville, and D.S. Touretzky)
A Developmental Approach Accelerates Learning of Joint Attention
(Y. Nagai, M. Asada, and K. Hosoda)
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