Deadline Extension - VII BraziDeadline Extension - VII BrazilianDeadline Extension - VII Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks (SBRN 2002)

Teresa Bernarda Ludermir tbl at
Fri Apr 12 10:21:25 EDT 2002

Because of numerous requests for extensions, the deadline for submission
of papers to the VII Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks (SBRN
2002) is now April 22, 2002.

This symposium will be held in Porto de Galinhas, Recife, Brazil from
November 11-14, 2002, and is chaired by Professor Teresa Ludermir from
the Federal University of Pernambuco  in Brazil.

All information regarding this symposium can be found on our website at
Please refer to this website for formatting and submission requirements.

If you have any questions about the symposium, please feel free to
us at sbrn2002 at

Marcilio C. P. de Souto
Program Chair - SBRN 2002

Teresa B. Ludermir     
Centro de Informatica - UFPE     Phone: [+55 81] 3271-8430
Caixa Postal 7851                       x: 4308
CEP 50732-970
Recife PE

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