Call-for-Papers: Haifa Winter Workshop on Computer Science and Statistics (Dec. 17-20, 2001)

Rothschild Institute rothschild at
Sun Oct 21 04:10:32 EDT 2001

  	(Our apologies in advance for multiple copies due to 
	posting on multiple mailing lists.)
                            CALL FOR PAPERS

          Haifa Winter Workshop on Computer Science and Statistics 

                          17-20 December 2001

The Caesarea Edmond Benjamin de Rothschild Foundation Institute for
Interdisciplinary Applications of Computer Science at the University of Haifa, 
together with the Department of Statistics and the Department of
Computer Science, are organizing an international workshop Dec. 17-20, 2001 
on Computer Science and Statistics -- with an emphasis on Knowledge
Discovery and other AI related topics. Additional funding is provided by
co-sponsors the Ministry of Science and the US National Science Foundation.

Purpose: The purpose of the workshop is to bring together experts from the 
fields of computer science and statistics and to explore potential areas of 
research in order to stimulate collaborative work.  Particular areas of 
interests are (preliminary list):           

* Bayesian learning
* Data mining
* Simulation-based computation  
* Expert systems
* Automated learning
* Robotics

Call-for-Papers: Contributed papers and posters are solicited for presentation.
Submissions (extended abstract or full paper) should be sent electronically to 
libi at no later than Nov. 15, 2001. Accepted abstracts will be 
posted on the workshop website http:// /csstat  
(Late submissions will be considered on a space available basis.)

Dates: 17-20 December 2001		Venue:  University of Haifa

Organizers: Martin C. Golumbic, Udi E. Makov, Yoel Haitovski, Ya'acov Ritov

Tentative list of Invited speakers:
  Matt Beal (Gatsby)		 	  Steve Fienberg (Carnegie Mellon)
  Nir Friedman (Hebrew Univ.)		  Dan Geiger (Technion)		 
  Michael Kearns (Syntekcapital)	  Yishay Mansour (Tel Aviv)
  David Madigan (Rutgers)		  Thomas Richardson (Washington)
  Dan Roth (Urbana)			  Steve Skiena (Stony Brook)	 
  Yehuda Vardi (Rutgers) 		  Volodya Vovk (London)

Registration:  There will be no registration fee, but participants are
asked to register in advance using the form on the website /csstat  
	Hotel subsidies for advanced graduate students will be available
upon the recommendation of their thesis advisor.

For further information please contact libi at

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