PhD position
Hans Liljenstrom
hans.liljenstrom at
Fri Nov 30 16:50:45 EST 2001
A PhD position is open at the Dept. of Biometry and Informatics, SLU,
Uppsala Ref number 4440/01-4711
Title: Mathematical modeling, analysis and computer simulation of
brain dynamics, with special focus on EEG signals.
Project area: The project is part of a collaboration with the
psychiatric clinic at a nearby hospital. The clinic has modern
equipment for continuous measure and treatment, and data for hundreds
of patients is produced. The project objective is to relate EEG
response to the effect of treatments, and in support for the analysis,
computer models and simulations of neural networks are needed. The
project also includes development of non-linear models and analytical
tools for stochastic and chaotic time series. Many new and interesting
problems can be addressed with a combination of stochastic and
deterministic modelling. Development of computational techniques is
also required to deal with the gigantic amount of data available. The
theoretical results from the project are expected to provide new
insight in how EEG signals from the brain should be interpreted and
used for prediction of clinical treatment effects.
At the Department of Biometry and Informatics, a broad and
cross-disciplinary research is carried out, including theoretical
biology and biophysics, applied mathematics, mathematical
statistics/biometry, as well as environmental and geo-informatics. In
addition, there is an extensive educational program within these
Suitable background: MSc in engineering, physics, computer science, or
similar programs, or a mathematical education with focus on biology,
biomedicine or similar.
Financing: A stipend covering one year of studies, whereafter a full
graduate position is created. Both forms include, in addition to the
research work, also possibilities of 20% institutional work (such as
For more information contact project leader Prof. Hans Liljenstrm,
tel. +46-(0)18-67 17 28 or email
hans.liljenstrom at Information regarding salary and other
administrative issues is given by Birgitta Callmer at the personnel
division of SLU, tel. +46-(0)18-67 10 76.
Welcome with your application, including a personal CV and a
description of your interests and expectations, and why you would be a
suitable graduate student at our department.
Your application should be marked with reference number 4440/01-4711
and should be sent to Registrator, SLU, Box 7070, SE-750 07 Uppsala,
Sweden, by 10 December 2001.
Hans Liljenstrm, Prof.
Dept. of Biometry and Informatics
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
P. O. Box 7013, SE-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden
Phone: +46 (0)18-671728, +46 (0)73-654 7977
Fax: +46 (0)18 673502, email: Hans.Liljenstrom at
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