Postdoc Position Announcement

K. Y. Michael Wong phkywong at
Tue Nov 13 06:28:49 EST 2001

Postdoc Position Announcement

There is an opening for a one-year postdoctoral research associateship
in my research group on the application of many-body physics in
information processing. The work involves the use of many-body
techniques in the dynamics and statics of information processing, such
as learning, parameter estimation, error-correcting codes and

Potential candidates should have strong mathematical and computational
skills. Background in statistical physics, many-body physics, or
statistics will be useful. The salary ranges from HKD18,000 to HKD20,000
per month.

If you are interested in the position, please send a full CV and
publication list, together with the names of three referees, either by
postage, e-mail or fax. The correspondence is:

Dr. K. Y. M. Wong,
Department of Physics,
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,
Clear Water Bay,
Hong Kong.

E-mail: phkywong at
Fax: +852-2358 1652
Phone: +852-2358 7480

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