research positions

Martin A Giese giese at MIT.EDU
Thu May 3 23:05:36 EDT 2001


The research group for Action Representation and Learning
at the Max-Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics
and the Department of Cognitive Neurology at the University 
Hospital in Tuebingen (Germany) offers following research 
positions in  theoretical neuroscience and computer vision / 

1 postdoc position (BAT IIa)
2 PhD positions (BAT IIa / 2)

The group investigates how complex movements and actions are 
represented in the brain, and how the underlying learning 
principles can be exploited  for technical applications in 
computer vision, robotics and biomedical systems. 

One focus of the group is the development and experimental 
testing of models for action representation in the brain.
This work includes the development of neural models and
testing them in psychophysical, neurophysiological and
fMRI experiments in close collaboration with  different well 
established experimentalists in Tuebingen and the USA.

The second focus is the development of technical applications
of learning-based representations of actions for medical diagnosis, 
computer animation and movement programming  in robots. Technical 
applications  will be developed in collaboration with companies 
in robotics and biomedical technology and the Dept. for Neurology 
at the  University Hospital in Tuebingen.

Close collaborations exist with the Center for Biological and 
Computational  Learning, M.I.T., Cambridge (USA), Harvard Medical 
School, and  the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Boston 
University (USA). 

The postdoctoral position will be available for 3 years (salary BAT IIa), 
extendable to 5 years. The ideal candidate has a background in computer 
science, engineering, physics or mathematics and previous 
experience in computer vision / graphics, robotics or machine 
learning.  She / he will be in charge of developing technical 
applications and new methods in machine learning for the 
representation of actions. 

Both PhD positions are available for 3 years (salary BAT IIa/2). One PhD
will focus on neural modeling of the recognition of complex movements
in humans and primates. He / she will be closely involved in experiments to 
evaluate the theory. Ideally, this candidate has a strong interest
in neuroscience and  good mathematical skills and previous training 
in physics, mathematics, engineering, computer science or psychology.
Tuebingen offers a new graduate program in neuroscience. 

The second PhD will take part in the development of medical
diagnosis systems and computer graphics applications exploiting
methods from machine learning and computer vision. Ideally, this 
candidate has good mathematical and programming skills and previous 
training in  physics, mathematics, engineering, or computer science.

All Positions are funded by the German Volkswagen Foundation. 

For further information please contact:

   Dr. Martin Giese
   Center for Biological and Computational Learning
   Massachusetts Institute of Technology E 25-206
   45, Carleton Street
   Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139-4307

    email: giese at
    Tel:    +001-617-253 0549  (office)
            +001-617-253 0551  (lab secretary)
    Fax:    +001-617-253 2964

Applicants are asked to submit their CV, bibliography and the names
of two references. Applications should be sent by email to the 
same address.


   Dr. Martin Giese
   Center for Biological and Computational Learning
   Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Room E25 - 206
   45, Carleton Street
   Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139-4307

    email: giese at
    Tel:    +001-617-253 0549  (office)
            +001-617-253 0551  (lab secretary)
            +001-617-491 5538  (home)
    Fax:    +001-617-253 2964

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