Two Cognitive Psychology positions, Univ Calif, Riverside

Dr. Curt Burgess curt at
Wed Jun 27 15:56:09 EDT 2001

Dear Connectionists - I wanted to particularly let people on this 
list know that we will have two job searches this coming fall. 
Someone doing connectionist work would be of particular interest to a 
number of us in the cognitive group (currently six faculty in 
psychology). We are undergoing considerable growth on our campus. Our 
department will likely almost double in size by 2010. We are 
scheduled to move into a renovated building in two years. We have 
just received word that Psychology will have its own new building in 
2007 or 2008 with around twice the space we currently have.

These two positions are junior level. However, we may also be able to 
hire at the senior level within the  guidelines of a new hiring 
initiative specifically designed to target senior faculty of notable 
reputation. Thus, we are very interested in identifying individuals 
who might be interested in this opportunity.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact either me or 
Chris Chiarello (see below).

Curt Burgess



TWO POSITIONS.  The Department of Psychology, University of 
California, Riverside, invites applications for two tenure-track 
Assistant Professor positions in Cognitive Psychology, beginning July 
1, 2002.  The Ph.D. degree is required at the time of the 
appointment.  Salary will be commensurate with education and 
experience.  We seek applicants whose research investigates 
fundamental mechanisms of cognition including memory, language, 
perception, or attention, which are areas of strength within the 
current program.  We are also interested in individuals whose 
research is relevant to cognitive aging.   Applicants should also be 
committed to excellence in undergraduate and graduate education. 
Review of completed applications will  begin Oct. 15, 2001 and 
continue until the position is filled.

Interested candidates should send their curriculum vitae, reprints, a 
cover letter describing research and teaching interests, and arrange 
to have three letters of recommendation sent to:

	    Dr. Christine Chiarello
                 Chair, Cognitive Psychology Search Committee
                 Department of Psychology - Box D
                 University of California - Riverside
                 Riverside, CA 92521

The Riverside campus of the University of California is growing 
rapidly and has an excellent psychology department with a strong 
record of success in research, teaching, and extramural funding.  For 
information on the Department of Psychology, see our web site at:  The campus is centrally located in 
Southern California, about 50 miles east of Los Angeles and less than 
an hour's drive from the area's mountains, deserts, and beaches.  The 
University of California, Riverside is an equal opportunity 
employer/affirmative action employer.

    Dr. Curt Burgess, Computational Cognition Lab
    Associate Editor, Brain and Cognition
    Chair of Graduate Admissions for Psychology
    Department of Psychology, University of  California
    1419 Life Science Building
    Riverside, CA 92521-0426  URL:
    Internet: curt at
    MaBellNet: (909) 787-2392       FAX: (909) 787-3985

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