ISAHARA Hitoshi isahara at
Wed Jun 13 07:42:41 EDT 2001


           Call for Papers --- NLPRS2001 Workshop	

 The Second Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Neural Networks 
                Tokyo, Japan, November 30, 2001       

Artificial neural networks (ANN) based natural language processing (NLP)
research began in the early 1980s with papers on implementing semantic
networks in ANNs, word-sense disambiguation, anaphora resolution, and
syntactic parsing. Since then, with the boom of NLP research based on
very large corpora, the ANN, as a powerful parallel and distributed
learning/processing machine, attract a more great deal of attention from
both the ANN and NLP researchers and have been successfully used in many
areas of NLP.

This second workshop on NLP and ANN is to be held in Tokyo as a
post-conference workshop of NLPRS2001.  It continues the work of the
first workshop on NLP and ANN, NLPNN99, successfully held in Beijing
two years ago.  NLPNN2001 will provide a forum for researchers in the
areas of ANN and NLP who are interested in advancing the state of the
art in developing NLP techniques using neural networks.

For more information on NLPRS2001, see

The papers presented at NLPNN99 are available from

Submissions are invited on all NLP topics in the context of using ANN
techniques.  A submission consists of a two-page summary (2000 words or
less), accompanied by paper title, author information including full
names, affiliations of all authors, and the postal and email addresses
of the corresponding author.

Submissions will be reviewed by the Workshop Program Committee, and
authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by email.

Submit by email to qma at


Summary submission deadline:    July 31, 2001
Notification of acceptance:     August 15, 2001
Camera ready papers due: 	September 26, 2001

Inquiries concerning the workshop can be sent to one of the organizers 
either by email to qma at or by post to the following address:

Dr. Qing Ma 
Computational Linguistics Group
Keihanna Human Info-Communication Research Center
Communications Research Laboratory
2-2-2 Hikaridai, Seika-cho, Soraku-gun, Kyoto 619-0289, Japan

Hitoshi Isahara (Communications Research Laboratory, Japan)
Qing Ma (Communications Research Laboratory, Japan)

Program Committee
Qing Ma (Communications Research Laboratory, Japan), Chair
Gary Geunbae Lee (Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea)
Caroline Lyon (University of Hertfordshire, UK)
Daniel Memmi (LEIBNIZ-IMAG, France)
Risto Miikkulainen (University of Texas, USA)
Ron Sun (University of Missouri-Columbia, USA)
Naoto Takahashi (AIST, Japan) 
Ming Zhou (Microsoft Research China, China)
other members will be announced shortly

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