CFP: Applied Soft Computing Journal

Roy, Rajkumar r.roy at
Fri Jun 1 13:01:12 EDT 2001



Publisher: Elsevier Science

The Official Journal of the World Federation on Soft Computing (WFSC)

Journal homepage:


Applied Soft Computing is an international journal promoting 
an integrated view of soft computing to solve real life problems. 
Soft computing is a collection of methodologies, which aim to exploit 
tolerance for imprecision, uncertainty and partial truth to achieve 
tractability, robustness and low solution cost. The focus is to 
publish the highest quality research in application and convergence 
of the areas of Fuzzy Logic, Neural Networks, Evolutionary Computing, 
Rough Sets and other similar techniques to address real world 

Applied Soft Computing is a 'rolling' publication: articles are 
published as soon as the editor in chief has accepted them. 
Therefore, the web site will continuously be updated with new 
articles and the publication time will be short. 

Major topics
The scope of this journal covers the following soft computing and 
related techniques, interactions between several soft computing 
techniques, and their industrial applications:

* Fuzzy Computing	
* Neuro Computing
* Evolutionary Computing	
* Probabilistic Computing
* Immunological Computing	
* Hybrid Methods
* Intelligent Agents and Agent Theory
* Causal Models
* Case-based Reasoning	
* Chaos Theory
*  Interactive Computational Models	

The application areas of interest include but are not limited to:
* Decision Support	
* Process and System Control
* System Identification and Modelling	
* Optimisation
* Signal or Image Processing	
* Vision or Pattern Recognition
* Condition Monitoring	
* Fault Diagnosis
* Systems Integration	
* Internet Tools
* Human-Machine Interface	
* Time Series Prediction
* Robotics	
* Motion Control and Power Electronics
* Biomedical Engineering	
* Virtual Reality
* Reactive Distributed AI	
* Telecommunications
* Consumer Electronics	
* Industrial Electronics
* Manufacturing Systems	
* Power and Energy
* Data Mining	
* Data Visualisation
* Intelligent Information Retrieval	
* Bio-inspired Systems
* Autonomous Reasoning	
* Intelligent Agents


Authors are invited to submit technical papers(no limit on max. 
number of pages), state of the art survey papers, industry reports 
(max. 5 pages) and book reviews. Authors are encouraged to utilise 
the opportunity given by this on-line publication to include 
animations, software demonstrations, and video clips etc. The 
papers will be published on Elsevier Science Web Site as soon as 
they are accepted, which enables authors to publish their work FAST 
and readers get the latest work in Soft Computing on their desktop! 
There will be a free hardcopy of volume available to authors by the 
end of the year. So have your latest research published on the 
Applied Soft Computing Website and get a FREE hardcopy of the volume 
that includes your paper later.

For any further queries, paper submission and special issue proposals, 
please contact: 

Dr. Rajkumar Roy 
Editor in Chief
'Applied Soft Computing' 
Department of Enterprise Integration, 
School of Industrial and Manufacturing Science, 
Cranfield University, Cranfield, Bedford, MK43 0AL, United Kingdom. 
Tel: +44 (0)1234 754072 or +44 (0)1234 750111 Ext. 2423 , 
Fax: +44 (0)1234 750852 
Email: asoc at

Journal Website:

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