Director of Gatsby Unit, University College London, UK

Zoubin Ghahramani Zoubin at
Tue Jul 31 11:57:13 EDT 2001

The Gatsby Unit is seeking a new Director. The advertisement is
enclosed below: note the broad scope of research at the Unit,
currently directed by Geoff Hinton. I would also be happy to answer
informal confidential enquiries by email.

Zoubin Ghahramani
zoubin at

                      UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON
                Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit


University College London and the Gatsby Charitable Foundation are
seeking a new Director for the Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit.
The successful candidate would also be considered for appointment to
the Chair of Computational Neuroscience at UCL.  The Unit is one of
the leading computational neuroscience centres in the world with staff
having minimal teaching responsibilities.  It is based in Queen Square
London in very close proximity to the Institute of Cognitive
Neuroscience, the Functional Imaging Lab and the Institute of
Neurology.  Currently four senior staff, five postdoctoral researchers
and ten PhD students receive substantial long-term funding from the

The Director will be expected to provide scientific direction and
intellectual leadership.  His/her breadth of interests will be more
critical than the specific research area.  Applications are invited
from scientists who can lead a group on computationally and
theoretically sophisticated research within the broad area bounded by
neuroscience, cognition and machine learning.  Salary will be at a
level appropriate to the international standing of the successful

Applications including a CV should be sent to Janice Hankes, Gatsby
Computational Neuroscience Unit, UCL, Alexandra House, 17 Queen
Square, London WC1N 3AR, UK or by email to Janice at 
Enquiries or expressions of interest to t.shallice at 

For further information on the Unit see 

The closing date for applications is Monday 3rd September 2001.

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