Research assistant/ PhD studentship at the University of Sydney

Andre van Schaik andre at
Tue Jul 17 18:53:05 EDT 2001

Computer Engineering Laboratory
School of Electrical and Information Engineering

Research Assistant
Analogue Integrated Circuit Design

The appointee will join a team working on a project aiming at the 
development of biologically inspired analogue VLSI circuits for the 
development of smart sensors. Applicants with a bachelor or higher degree 
in electrical engineering or computer science with experience in circuit 
design, preferrably analogue circuit design in the area of neuromorphic 
engineering or neural networks, are invited. The appointment will be for an 
initial period of one year and renewable for up to three years, subject to 
satisfactory progress and funding.

If applicable, the appointee can enrol for a higher degree in an area of 
the project.

Salary: (HEO level 5) 37,000-40,000 AU$ per year depending on experience.

Duty statement:

The research assistant will:

- design, integrate and test several analogue VLSI circuits
- develop test set-ups for these circuits
- simulate in MATLAB algorithms and high level models for the circuits
- work independently

Reports to Dr. A. van Schaik

B.E. or B. Computer Science or higher.

- design, simulation, layout and testing of analogue VLSI circuits
- MATLAB programming
- knowledge of Unix and Windows
- communication with others
- writing reports and technical papers
- work independently

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