OSoftware for Simulating a Connectionistic Production System

Andreas Wichert wichert at neuro.informatik.uni-ulm.de
Mon Jan 22 05:36:37 EST 2001

Object Oriented Software for Simulating a Connectionistic Production System


C++ class library for simulating an associative computer is introduced. 
Associative computer is a connectionistic production system with benefits of 
distributed representation in problem solving. These benefits include the 
ability to learn from experience, heuristics resulting from picture 
representation and the ability to deal with noisy information. The behavior of 
the model is demonstrated by empirical experiments in block world. The model is 
the first effort to fill the gape between the statistical models like the 
artificial neural networks and models of logical reasoning.

A manual in postcript and pdf format is present. 

Available at:

1) web site, in gzipped tar format:

  [M5]..  Associative Computer: The Software

2) anonymous ftp, in gzipped tar format:
   ftp.neuro.informatik.uni-ulm.de, directory /ni/wichert
  File ASSOCOMP.tar.gz 

3) cdrom upon request

Andrzej Wichert

For more information about associative computation read my Phd thesis, also 
avalable on the web site.

From: esann <esann at dice.ucl.ac.be>
To: "Connectionists at cs.cmu.edu" <Connectionists at cs.cmu.edu>

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