two Neural Networks special sessions at KES 2002

Guenther Palm palm at
Fri Dec 21 10:04:24 EST 2001

Dear Connectionists,

I am organizing a Special Session on

                                "Neural Pattern Recognition"

at the Sixth International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent
Information Engineering Systems (KES 2002), to be held at Podere
d'Ombriano, Crema, Italy, September 16 - 18, 2002.

The idea of the Special Session is to discuss possibilities, ideas and
methods for the analysis of the activity (or connectivity) in real
biological neural networks by artificial neural networks. This
includes such topics as spike-train analysis of single or multiple
recordings, functional brain imaging, EEG or MEG analysis.

Potential contributors to this Special Session are invited to send a
short (at most one page) abstract until 01.02.2002.

The abstracts will be selected and the topical foci of the Special
Session will be determined until 01.03.2002. The selected authors will
be asked to submit an up to 5 pages paper before 15.04.2002 and these
papers will be reviewed. We hope to complete this review process
before the end of May, which is before the early registration deadline
for the conference.

More information on the conference can be found on the web site
The conference proceedings will be published  worldwide by  IOS Press,

Guenther Palm
Neural Information Processing
University of Ulm


Dear Connectionists,

I am organizing a Special Session on

                      "Neural Networks Understanding Language"

at the Sixth International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent
Information Engineering Systems (KES 2002), to be held at Podere
d'Ombriano, Crema, Italy, from September 16 - 18, 2002.

The idea of the Special Session is to bring together researchers who
try to use artificial neural networks for language understanding. The
focus will be on higher cognitive levels of language, concerning
syntax, semantics and pragmatics of language use, language learning
and aspects of neuro- or psycho-linguistics, but for example not
speech recognition alone. After the first wave of neural networks it
may now be the right time to assess the state of the art in this area
which can also be crucial for an understanding of the impact of
artificial neural network research in areas of traditionally more
symbolic artificial intelligence.

Potential contributors to this Special Session are invited to send a
short (at most one page) abstract until 01.02.2002.

The abstracts will be selected and the topical foci of the Special
Session will be determined until 01.03.2002. The selected authors will
be asked to submit an up to 5 pages paper before 15.04.2002 and these
papers will be reviewed. We hope to complete this review process
before the end of May, which is before the early registration deadline
for the conference.

More information on the conference can be found on the web site
The conference proceedings will be published  worldwide by  IOS Press,

Guenther Palm
Neural Information Processing
University of Ulm

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