Parallel Paper Submission

Bernadette Garner bmg at
Sun Dec 2 22:59:08 EST 2001

> 4) I love journals like "Journal of the Royal Statistical Society - B" 
> because many of the papers include reviews at the end. It turns out 
> that some of the reviews are very critical and really good. I often 
> find myself reading the reviews before reading the paper! Of course, 
> since the reviews get published and CITED, people make an effort to be 
> constructive, soundly critical and not make fools of themselves. This 
> is a great model - slow but good.

I think this is a good idea. It will cut down the number of terrible
reviews (where the reviewer didn't have a clue). But I am wondering if it
could prevent people actually reading papers if they read the reviews
first. I know people who won't see movies if the reviews are bad, and that
may not be fair because occassionally editors/reviewers have their own agendas.

Bernadette Garner

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